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"Anything You Can do, I Can Do Better ! Robinson and Downes.

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Glad to see Elvis is alive and well, last time I heard he was alive, well and living in Oxfordshire!

Me and a group of my students gigged with him and his band three times, and one of my staff was in his band............................must have been the real Elvis though he was heavily disguised because he was bald when off stage.

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Allan have just caught up with this thread, saw the fireclay,pollifiller models. HOW DO YOU DO IT? Such superb work time after time and as for the castle ........ brilliant love it. I do have a question tho.... can you make a complete bog of something just to make us mortals feel better.......lol

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 Building a small narrow guage  layout at the moment but first I have to massively apologise to Kevin ( KNP on Show Us Your Scratch  Building Thread ) for blatantly coppying his magnificent dairy building and I only wish my version was half as good !


However, here's progress so far - a few of the buildings.









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Hi Allan, I recognise most components but what are your quoins made from? Is it fireclay and if so, was this applied 'raw' to the treated Wills sheets and let cure, or has there been some other method involved? 


The quoins are made from writing paper where the lines act as a guide when cutting out.


First though, a sheet is taped down then a very light coat of pollyfilla is stippled over the surface then when dry, lightly sanded and cut into strips.


Hope that helps.





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G'day Allan,


The link is to a page of a  website by an awesome Spanish bloke who makes up plans intended for cutting out with a fretsaw/srcollsaw.


The link itself is to his plans that you can buy if you want to saw out 12000 or something little parts from thin wood in order to build a model of Milan cathedral. . The first three photos in the link  are of a model by an Australian - Ken Field - that I saw way  down here  at the Sydney Working With Wood show a  couple of years ago, He cut it all out from timber, with a fret saw, amazing stuff. If you scroll down in landlords link  you will see similar models by other crazy people using a variety of materials - acryllic, timber and possibly Colron wood dye, whatever that is.


I have since bought  the plans - here they are arranged dramaticaly on my floor - all 71 pages of them!










I bought them originally to cut out over my entire life a bit at a time with a fretsaw, but have since bought a laser cutter so am hopeful of scanning them into the laser cutter programme and getting it to do the work while I lounge about drinking beer.




Chris J

Edited by monkeysarefun
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How you keep turning building out that look so good still amazes me and I've been reading about your models since late 1977! One of my first scratch built structures was a barn based on your plans because it looked a bit like the Essex barn on the farm where I grew up.

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