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What to do?


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Just a thought about something parallel. I have a large music collection, and quite often find that I think I have stopped listening to a certain artist, but sometimes find that after a while I come back to them.


Sometimes I don't, but I don't get rid of CDs (I am a bit 'old school' with my silver discs) as I don't know if some artists are those who I have moved on from, or just someone I may come back to. Sometimes I have that 'I don't like any of the CDs I own', and other times I can put on an album and it just hits the mark, and I love it as much, maybe even more than when I first heard it.


I have also found with my model rail that I sometimes really don't feel like running stock, but may still be into building the rest of the model. Other times I get frustrated that I don't have all the buildings there and just want to run stock through a finished layout. At these times I get frustrated by just how much work there is still to do.

One thing that has resulted from those times, is that I have picked a 2 metre section, and am working on that, while leaving other parts untouched, so that I can get in close and have what is basically a small layout, with a very big fiddle yard/run around. You seem to have got a lot further than that with the overall layout though, so maybe that would not be of help.

I do think you have started a really interesting thread , and I hope the replies have encouraged you in your decision. You have also spurred some of other here to think about their modelling, and also their motivations for the hobby.

Whatever you decide, you have a creative streak, and I hope you have fun with it.


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