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Modeller, Gardener, Photographer (the weather decides the order)

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Aft'noon all,


Given the gorgeous run of sunny and warm weather conditions recently it would have bordered upon a crime to have spent considerable time in the modelling/workroom. Instead, the garden has benefitted



This used to be the site of a reservoir which means that the soil retains water well. Unfortunately, the clay, mud soil combination also means cold, heavy, waterlogged ground conditions, which led to the premature demise of several shrubs. Installing considerable drainage (limestone chatter) throughout the entire plot.... from the top of the front garden to the bottom of the back garden took serious time, muscle power and expense but resulted in the flourishing garden which you see now. The heavy, wet native soil has been retained in order to avoid needing to water the garden in dry weather but drainage channels (in a grid pattern), topped with a foot of ericaceous compost have been added...into which all of these shrubs and perennials have been planted, this means that their roots have access to the requisite moisture content but at the required temperature and nutrient level. Heavy duty liner topped with bark mulch controls the weeds and gives good contrast between shrubs and backdrop. As shrubs and trees outgrow their position they are chopped down and new species introduced into the newly vacated spots. Each winter results in several losses at this altitude/level of exposure but this can also be viewed as an opportunity to try new shrubs/perennials


Most recent additions include:


Acer - orange dream


Cistus - white rock rose


Portuguese laurel

Climbing jasmine




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Thanks Gents....it is great to sit out in after a busy work shift or session on the layout. 


There are numerous fragrant perennials and shrubs included (for progressive fragrance from Spring to Autumn)...these are deliberately concentrated around the two patio areas and along the sides of the garden...this means that whichever way the wind blows then it carries the scent of the plants across the plot. 


Fragrant varieties include:


3 types of mock orange...each with a distinctive citrus scent, Portuguese laurel, lilac, 3 types of fragrant azaleas, bridal wreath, sweet pea, 3 types of honeysuckle, 2 types of fragrant jasmine, pyracantha, lavender etc



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