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Shapeways WSF validation rules seem to have changed again

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The stuff  I had which had buffer beam holes and so a tiny area below the buffer beam under 0.7mm thick which used to print is now been rejected (even though it prints perfectly and has done 100% of the time for 2 years)


The same rule checking change appears to have been applied to various very small hollows (drill marks) in some of the other items too.


As far as I can tell they are now considering any point of a hole within 0.7mm however well supported and however microscopic an area is involved as a failure. That means N gauge buffer beam buffer holes no longer work.


Similarly it seems to be applying the same logic to 0.5mm diameter dints that take a surface down to 0.6mm. That's less of a problem in most cases but also a little ridiculous.


And if you've ordered any of the coach shells in the past few days expect it to get rejected 8-(



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Putting a hole all the way through stops it being rejected as too thin a wall , but it doesn't stop it being rejected for being too close to the edge. I've not yet played with tapered holes (pinpoints) and the new validator, but the old one used to let you print pinpoint bearing holes right to the edge of the wall providing the very end of the pinpoint was a tiny tiny hole.

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Agreed: Shapeways are gradually moving the goal posts?

However, items that print in LIC get rejected in Eindhoven,

and vice-verse. It is a potshot when and how they will

strike on items we have long since come to rely on as

reliable to print..

Our 0.5mm holes have yet to be rejected.


If it is the odd item, claim the dispatch for the reprint. They

are pretty good about that.



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As I understand it, the validation checking is done manually, so whether something is rejected is down to the whim of the operator, how well they have been trained, if the had a fight with their girlfriend last night  or maybe the phases of the moon. Recently I've had 2 customer orders where the  customer has ordered 2 similar items  that contain common parts. One item has been rejected from each order over a part that also exists in an identical form on the other item!


I would suggest just re-uploading the existing file and submitting   again, there is every chance they will print it this time ! Alternatively email customer services and ask them for clarification  as to whether it should have been rejected.


Equally, the do often miss things. I had one of my very early locos, which has been  printed successfully over 35 times, rejected as having part of the roof only 0.535 thick. When I checked it, they are indeed right !



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