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Hi ffayolle,

I still love this lovely little layout
Some great shots there too - I especially like the one from behind the level crossing gate

Re your post for ideas / comments on the backscene
I'd agree that you don't really need to do too much to it
You don't want the backscene to "take over" or dominate the scene
It's a lovely layout, because it's nice & under-stated

If you want to experiment, You could try something on a separate piece of paper
I use lining wallpaper - that way, you could experiment without having to attach it to the layout
I tend to start with a base colour of white emulsion paint,
because it's nice & "flat" - and it's cheap, plus I usually have some left over from decorating the house...

Edit: You can apply all this paint with a brush,
but I often use my fingers to smudge and blend the colours....

I then paint clouds and patches, using a few greys and grey-blue colours
Again using emulsion decorators paints
In the UK, these are available as small, inexpensive match-pots, for decorators to experiment with colour schemes
No harm in trying a separate piece of paper
But as I've said - it looks fine as it is

Let us know what you decide



PS. I'll come with you to the Gorsaf Inn
I could do with a nice pint of ale,
but I'll wait until the train has gone - I want to stay & watch it for a while.... ;)

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Thanks Marc for your proposals

I think I'm going to add some clouds.


PS : I went to Porthmadog during the summer (amazing tourist railways!!!) that explains the name of the inn

No problems ffayolle

As I said, your minimalist backscene is fine as it is

So a test on a separate piece of paper is a good idea


One further important point though, is to make sure you put your test in position on the layout

and make sure you look at it under the normal exhibition lighting conditions too

Lighting, and differing ambient lighting can have huge effects on colours,

and how we perceive colours and tones.....

You will probably realise this, but just thought I'd mention it :)


Ah, Porthmadog is lovely isn't it?

I was never particularly a fan of narrow gauge railways,

but I defy anyone not to be tempted into NG model railways after a visit to North Wales


Got to have a pub next to the railway too ;)


Cheers again


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