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Card for scalescenes


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Hi Everyone


Im looking forward to attempting my first Scalescenes model - of course the free low relief warehouse!!! modelling in 00

Im just wondering about the card used.


I found some "mountingboard" at my local "hobby craft " shop that I can use for the 2mm card


regarding the 1mm card, can one just use a couple of sheets of cereal box card? im struggling with which card to use for that!

im sorted for the 200gsm card

Ive really enjoyed making Metcalfe kits in the past so thought I should take the plunge and really make my own kits....


best wishes and thanks in advance for your replies!



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Hi Nick,

I use so-called "grey board" but it comes in several thicknesses, including 1mm and 2mm, available on the internet I'm told but I bought mine in central London. But there are several threads on here covering this subject of card thickness for Scalescenes kits so try the search option (top right of screen).


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Well, I've tried all sorts of card for Scalescenes stuff, I'm doing the new small terraced cottages at the moment,DELIBERATELY using card thicknesses other than exact 1mm and 2mm 'cos they are difficult to source here, strange that I'm living in metric France...?


So far it's going very well, I'll post the results later.


Instead of 2mm and 1mm for 'thick' or thin I'm using 1.48mm which is easy [ish] to get and 0.7mm which increase to 1.7 mm and 0.92mm respectively  with the addition of one thickness of texture paper. I'm drawn to the conclusion that the ratio of the thicknesses is more important than the precise individual thickness, within sensible limits.


This is more apparent with the newer models which include downpipes. These are formed from a projecting layer of 'thin' wrapped around with a black piece of texture sheet. Using 0.7mm for 'thin' they scale up from 1.02mm to a downpipe of 3.06" which from memory is about right for a small domestic down pipe.


Cereal packets 'degradeable'? I'm sure that moisture enters into that somewhere, and we do tend to seek an arid as possible environment for our models....I'll frequently laminate* Packeto Cornoflako or use it as 'light' card, sticking texture sheet to the dull unprinted side as the printed surface resists the drying glue from inducing a warping effect.


Conclusion? Buy a cheapy pair of vernier calipers and see exactly what you are using [or pinch your Dad's/Grandad's micrometer and learn to read it...] and just try it.


Have a go, Nick! If it all goes 'mammaries upwards' you can have another go, armed with a couple of hours experience!



Good luck,




* Glue dull side to dull side using a 1" paint brush and 50% water/PVA mix, leave under some old magazines overnight...

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I went to my local Range store they have big sheets in various thickness that suited my scalescenes and scratchbuilding exploits.



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For 1mm thick card I glued 2 pieces of cereal box card together with PVA. Making sure the entire surface of one sheet of the card was completely coated, and left a heavy weight on it overnight.

As for cereal boxes being biodegradeable, isn't all cardboard if it's dumped and exposed to the elements?

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As per Doug's post I have a cheap vernier from Lidls (Aldi also do them, keep an eye out for their specials) and measure up the card, I use 1mm grey board that I get free at work for most of my scalescenes builds but generally it doesn't actually measure up as 1mm instead being around 0.75/0.80mm, when I stick on the texture sheets I usually stick on a plain sheet of paper on the other side as this increases the thickness to nearer the 1mm and also helps stop warping.


I also always have plenty of other card from boxes (mainly from Aldi dog biscuits) in stock which I will laminate up and have not had and degrading problems.


I am an avid card collector and nothing is allowed in the recycle bin until vetted for modelling.

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