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8 hours ago, manna said:

G'day Folks


I have almost finished a B1, the C4's half sister, scratchbuilt body on a modified A3 chassis, it runs quite well. so may very well try my hand at a C4 one day.




My word that looks the part Manna. Nice one.

If you fancy an Atlantic after looking at the above I would scratch build that as well.


The Millholme range were ground braking in their day,,, but that was early 70's,,, I reckon they were cast by blacksmiths at the weekends,,,, I have to say you got loads of whitemetal for your money.

I heard a rumour recently that someone was going to revamp some of the range and release them again,,,, bound to happen now I am jousting with mine!!!

I suppose they still are ground breaking if you drop one!!! 



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A day of mixed fortunes on the Atlantic today.

I managed to sort out the shorts in the tender and revamped the tender pick up system at the same time.


Then I spent a happy 30mins looking at various photo's and drawings I have and noticed on the later ones the reversing rod mechanism had acquired a box bolted to the front spectacle plate,,, oh good oh.

After a quick scan through Yeadons and the Green Bible I found out to be accurate for the loco/period I model I needed to fit one as well.


After pondering  how I was going to make it I noticed the original white metal reversing rod looked more like a wet noodle than a substantial piece of steel so decided to replace that as well.


All went OK and it looks much more the part than the old one.286866599_c4revbox3(2).jpg.7a099336ccd155c80afcab6d8434c76b.jpg




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1 hour ago, salmonpastures said:

My word that looks the part Manna. Nice one.

If you fancy an Atlantic after looking at the above I would scratch build that as well.


The Millholme range were ground braking in their day,,, but that was early 70's,,, I reckon they were cast by blacksmiths at the weekends,,,, I have to say you got loads of whitemetal for your money.

I heard a rumour recently that someone was going to revamp some of the range and release them again,,,, bound to happen now I am jousting with mine!!!

I suppose they still are ground breaking if you drop one!!! 



Stevenson Carriages are selling some of the Millholme range (if you are desperate !!).

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I've got enough of Mr Millholmes finest already "in stock" to have a go at thanks Mick,,, desperate is very apt!!!


Was hoping to get some spraying done today but it never really warmed up in the garage so I dusted off the L1 and it now has brakes all round,, not that I'll use them and from what I have read they were not the most efficient system anyway.


We also manage to squeeze in a couple of the 6 sandboxes required,,, squeeze being the operative word as there is not a lot of room between the brake hangers and 00 wheel flanges,, but it is starting to fill up nicely below the footplate.





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Another good day on the L1 has produced a full set of sandboxes,,, the ones under the cab I can do without,,, a difficult shape to get right but they look OK against a decent photo of her ugliness.


More fun tomorrow,,, putting the brakes on the bogie wheels!!!! That should be interesting.





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1 hour ago, westerner said:

I'm pleased to see that your still entertaining yourself SAD

I understand it's going to pleasantly warm tomorrow so you could do a bit of painting/spraying of locomotives.

I should be so lucky,,, apparently I'm on Bunting Hanging duty tomorrow and then we can both make merry with the dog in our isolated garden!!!!!  Can't wait!!!!

I can't really complain as I have been isolating in the garage all week,  It's been great.



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I have always been interested in 0-8-0 freight engines,,, I don't really know why but maybe something to do with spending hours looking at pictures of them in my Ian Alan Compendium in the early 60's.


When this little gem turned up on Ebay I remember thinking to myself,,, do you really need an Austin 7,, well I told myself they did have some shedded at Millhouses so it fits with the area,,, the seller did advise it had various lumps knocked off,, steps and a chimney and it did not really run that well,,,, just the sort of thing to keep me entertained on a cold winters night I thought,,, and it would look rather neat sitting next to my 4F,,, anyway I "won" it for what I thought was a bargain price,,,, Yoo Hoo,,,


When it arrived my enthusiasm waned just a little as from the back it looks like this!!!!!48824986_Aus7rear.jpg.f5c23a34b8626b0ea6bca2dc96a22d24.jpg

Crikey,,, as we are in a "remembering weekend" I thought to myself was this sort of thing really acceptable in the 70's,,,, not only doe's the motor stick 5mm out of the back of the cab but it is also mounted on a nice shiney nickel silver scaffold!!!! just so you don't miss it,,,and lets not  mention the solid milled brass chassis. 

From memory it was a Sutherland kit,,, and back then we were happy to pay for such delights!!!

I bought the LYR Hughes "heavy" and it was very similar.


As I have recently invested in some milling attachments for my lathe this will become the guinea pig / refresher course for sorting out the chassis and seeing if we can do a better job at hiding the motor,,, but not before we have finished the Atlantic, Q7, J3 and D2 and progressed further with the L1.


You guessed it I have opened another dusty unmarked box on the "Wot To Do" shelf!!!

I didn't work this hard when they were paying me!!!


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Haven't got as much done as I had hoped today,, but I have scored some serious "brownie points" as the garden is now minus 2 leylandi roots,,, don't get me going on leylandi,, my favourite weed of all time.


The rear bogie now has the start of the brake system,, fiddly but it looks the part,,, have also learnt how to MACRO on the camera,,, which doe's todays efforts no favours at all.

I need to clean it up quite a bit from here but you get the basic idea.

The wheels are "build wheels" and not the finished article.

The brake blocks are not aligned or fixed

Hopefully get the other side done tomorrow,, each wheel had blocks on both sides,,  and then start again on the left hand side,, after that the tasks should get more straight forward.

Unless of course I am challenged to dig up another tree in the garden!!!







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One side of the rear bogie now complete and the proper wheels have been fitted which look much better.

Hope to make similar progress with the other side tomorrow.

Slowly it is coming together.

Fitting of the dummy frames will hide what appears to be an enormous 10BA nut!!!




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Have gone back to the Jersey Lily today as a bit of light relief after fiddling with the bogie.

I decided the front bogie needed some pseudo springs to hide the fact that it was actually just a lump of brass,,, and fitted the cylinder drain pipes while I was working on the front end.




I was going to start fitting the handrail knobs but found one of the holes was out of line so I had to fill that in and will try again later,,, which explains why everything is covered in white dust!!



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Thanks for that Alan.

You already know my feelings on Edwardian Elegance,,,, so much so that this evening I started wandering through the boxes for the B5 "Fish Engine" which is basically very similar to the Atlantic but a 4-6-0 and an LNWR Claughton,,, now there is a challenge,,, co's mine is an original Jidenco Kit [there are some real horror story's on here about this one!!!] not the more sane DJH version,,, the worrying thing is I have wheels and motors for both of them!!! but neither will progress until the current batch are earning their keep.


I think I must have the locovirus!!!


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After a concerted push to get the C4 Atlantic finished for the Aylsham show in October I was advised this week that due to the Kung Flu the show has been postponed till next year,,,, never mind the invite at least motivated me to get it finished,,, at long last!!!


It will be heading for the paintshop early next week!!!595599930_C4face.jpg.2f3ebfc18374f1c9498404cff78aa007.jpg



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Not wanting to rush the painting or lining I am letting various coats of etch primer and black top coat harden, seal, cure,,, whatever the professional phrase is.


This left me time to ponder as to what to crack on with [alongside the L1 !!!],,, but before the next desirable can commence I need to generate some funds,,,, so step forward a "fund generator",, sold as a DJH D20,,,, and 48 hours ago I didn't know a D20 from an De Glehn compound,,,, but I do know,,,, 1081883311_D20asbought.jpg.10c7a7fd0c00c1e0bd324f1aad79d0e0.jpg


it transpires this DJH D20 is actually a Gem D21,,, whatever,,, to be frank it is RUFF,,,in fact very Ruff,,, but I do enjoy the odd challenge,,, the first step today was to nitromors the whole ensemble,,,,, YUK,,,D21.3.jpg.c724ce88892f0d91fb6faddca56e9101.jpgD21.2.jpg.d36a0d2430824368b1f4b10655e31def.jpg




I have no idea what it was glued together with,,, I know what it reminds me of,,, but we won't go there as I don't want to upset anybody,,, I have also found time to take a look at what appeared to be some fair condition Romford drivers on the chassis,,,, and now I know they are far from fair,,,,1 x egg shaped  and 1 has had somebody drilling out where the crank pin go's,,, ah well I will have to look through my "Romford Tat drawer" and see if I can retrieve the situation,,,, just watch this space for a load of fun!!!!


Can anybody point me in the direction of a drawing for the D21???? it will make life a lot easier.



Edited by salmonpastures
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No need Alan,,, just this very minute a gent called Tom on the LNER forum has produced a General Arrangement drawing from 1903!!!!

Unbelievable,,, at  times I am very cynical about technology but on the odd occasion it breaks down some mighty barriers.

I do enjoy getting grubby doing rubbings on a battered old white metal kit.

Don't worry the Zeppelin will also progress but as you know I like to have various things on the go which fits in nicely with my goldfish like attention span!!!

I've never seen a GA drawing before,,, the level of detail is out of this world,,,,, I could even count the rivets!!!


I also now have 3 units etch primed and the Atlantic will squeeze itself in there tomorrow.

The paint shop at the minute is running at full tilt.


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A good day in the garage today,,,

3 loco's painted and awaiting inspection.12107331_D2paint.jpg.ff75a04999c832f098bbc9820d7f2142.jpg822348945_J3paint.jpg.e57c6c77b01717ac8906df86b6a4c9e5.jpg1245566709_Q7paint.jpg.cfdac65b2e9159c48cf8deb876f2e883.jpg


And time to make the D21 project a lot cleaner and play with my chassis jig and get some movement out of the chassis,,,, wonderful progress,,, some days things just seem to click.1837715526_D21cleaner.jpg.63f7036b72666377c0aaf56a7e162721.jpg2028407137_D21jig.jpg.5c3042f09f4db3a738312486f004cb21.jpg

The D21 has gained a new project name,,,"primate" as I am sure that is who put it together first time round!!!

I won't complain about the amount of metal in the castings anymore as quite a lot of it has been moved on in an effort to get rid of some of the gouge's in the castings,,, I think our pal primate only had 2 files a small rat tail and a very course flat file,,, I won't give it it's proper title but you know what I mean.


I am very impressed with the jig,,, first time I have used it and it certainly makes life easier,,,,, within 10 minutes of it coming off the jig it was turning a knacked driving wheel,,,, impressive.

Can't wait for tomorrow!!!




D21 LIFE.jpg

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We got there in the end Alan,,, I was told at lunchtime I smelt like a humbug,,, "it's the paint darling".


When I get the running gear reinstalled I can see I'm going to have a crowding problem somewhere on the layout,,,, 2 meter spacings,,,ha ha,, you'll be lucky,, we are currently at 2mm with our isolations,,, but at least they are now colour coded!!! 


Am enjoying salvaging the D21,,, probably something to do with the fact that I get filthy when I'm white metal bashing,,,, some of the castings really are in a pretty awful state,,,, but it looks a lot better than it did.


Will have another go tomorrow.



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Just to balance out how well things went yesterday,,,,,, in today's photo we have 3 loco's successfully exiting the paint shop.

The Atlantic is unfortunately still in there,,,, having read of the benefits of using gloss paint if you are going to add lining I thought I'd give it a try.

Purchased 1 can of Citroen Black which appears to be a very nice strong colour.

Sprayed it on in several light layers,,,, and,,,, Eergh,,,I think it must have reacted with my etch primer because if you look very closely it has an underlying case of the orange peel finish.


Drat,,,, no medals today Muttley,,,, I will leave it over night to see if it has miraculously cured itself but I have a sneaking feeling we will be back to the Nitromors can tomorrow,,, Ah well I have plenty of time!!!! there really is no rush to get it finished,,, having started it approx 25 years ago.


[[I knew I should have stuck with the cheap and cheerful Halfords satin black]]



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Phew,,, what a difference a day makes.

Having looked at the C4 again this morning in some very decent sunshine I decided it wasn't orange peel it was more like a basic lack of paint,,,, so we went at if again in the paint shop to increase the depth of paint.

I tried wafting a thin layer over the tender and it looked better,,, so I gave it another thin layer and it looked a lot better and we don't appear to have lost a lot of the detail in the process either.


So then I gave the loco a couple of thin layers and this is the result.




I DO NOT like gloss painted loco's so at the moment I feel it is a bit in your face ,,, but after we have got the lining installed and then get it toned down with a bit of satin varnish I am hopeful we will have an acceptable C4,,, then it can go to the weathering department and get treated accordingly!!!!

I did not want to do the chassis in gloss and then varnish as I felt I might be pushing my luck so that got the usual satin treatment from the start,,, when it is all weathered I am hoping it will all come together!!



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