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MHR Spring Gala 7th-9th March


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  • RMweb Gold

Just a heads up about our gala. Clan line will be in attendance (this doesn't happen very often on a preserved railway) along with Braunton and Met No.1. Our engines running will be 92212, 925, 850, 34007, 45379 and a last chance to see 31806 at a gala before the thing goes away.


I will be aiming things up and down the line on Friday 7th, apparently my tools will be 34007 in the morning then a couple of runs on 34046 in the afternoon.


If you're there say hello! 

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Smart money is on Swanage.

Do I assume from your post that this is a bit of a secret? If so I guess the answer to my next question will not be known - is this a holiday by the sea or a permanent move? As much as it would be a shame for the MHR I'm sure that this loco would be a welcome resident at Swanage and I for one would make a trip down to the swanage railway if this is the case. I must admit to liking the southern 2-6-0 s and I was lucky enough to do my footplate experience on this loco last year.

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  • RMweb Gold

We don't get told anything, so it's just hearsay atm. It will be permanent as all Bunch's engines are leaving the railway this year.


The problem for any receiving railway will be that along with the engines you, um, get the owner as well.

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  • RMweb Gold

I notice Met No.1 has already arrived on the line by road. 34046 and 35028 due to arrive via the mainline tomorrow afternoon. Looks like the weather is going to pay ball this weekend so should be a good event!



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  • RMweb Gold

Just back from a thoroughly pleasant day down on the MHR. The morning started off dull and damp, and parking the rear wheel drive 1 series was the first challenge of the day at Ropley! The second challenge was finding anything amid all of the atmosphere:



Somewhere in there is Met No.1, 925, 92212, 31806 and 34046!


After a little while the dull and damp conditions eased off and I think I've even managed to catch the sun a little! It is well worth visiting if you are in the area over the next few days, especially if you have a thing for Bulleid Pacifics, with no fewer than 3 in action and I have to say that Clan Line is quite possibly the most immaculate thing I have ever seen! I have a short video which is in the process of uploading so will add that later, but a few more photos from the day:



The new footbridge is a great vantage point. This is 31806's last gala on the MHR as it will be leaving the line later in the year.  



A splash of colour in a predominantley green area.



Wait, what?!.........Met No.1 was hauling this on the Ropley-Alresford-Ropley shuttle. A slightly strange sight to be honest!

Comfy seating though!



Bulleid's finest. 



92212 erupts out of Ropley.



Lord Nelson on Standby duty.

















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  • RMweb Gold

Cheers Phil. I was intending to say hello if our paths had crossed!


I like the work weary look of 34007 compared to the other shining examples on display, but I guess once 34105 rolls out it'll be Wadebridge's turn for some TLC? 



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  • RMweb Gold

You would hope so, it needs it. I spent the rest of the day on 34046, that's a well sorted tool. It went well apart from being told all the gubbins was isolated and it wasn't, so came to a grinding halt in Soke cutting. Good fun getting it away up 1 in 60 though!

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I'm going to this gala tomorrow! No plan for the day, no schedule, no nothing! Just me, my dad, my camera, and what is shaping up to be a lot of fun! :) 



Smart money is on Swanage.


I think you may be right there, and they could actually really need her soon!


34028 has just gone out of service, 80104 is going into need of overhaul in 2016 as will 6695, then 30053 in 2017 and then 34070 in 2018! But restoration on all of those will be heavily delayed by the restoration of '257 Squadron' which is currently well underway, then 'Sidmouth' (Not sure on that one though, as they may prioritize others first). So in the next four years, they are set to loose 5 locos, and gain probably 1 or 2. Of coarse, they could rely on DMU's to take the services, but I doubt they'll want to do that for long......


I have probably gone wrong somewhere in the above, so I apologise in advance!

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  • RMweb Gold

Happened to be passing Ropley again on Saturday whilst the parents were visiting:




Braunton on the climb towards Medstead & Four Marks.





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