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why can't I just play with my trains

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For the last few months I have got all my track down and wired up so I can play trains. But each time I go and play with my layout I always end up having to fault found and fix thing. The longest I have gone with out a problem is about 30 minutes. In the last week I have had one train which just stopped moving so that had to be stripped down and repaired, then I had a train losing it address, then a short circuit then my DCC system crashed.


Why dose these thing always happens when I just want to play trains and what was the last reason other had so they can't just play trains.



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To answer your last question, shopping/decorating/clearing out the gutters/ tidying the shed/tidying the garden/going to work/doctors appointment/visiting relatives/fixing the dodgy window catch/re-sealing the bath/cleaning the car.............no, only kidding, I didn't clean the car. I NEVER clean the car........I played trains!

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For the last few months I have got all my track down and wired up so I can play trains. But each time I go and play with my layout I always end up having to fault found and fix thing. The longest I have gone with out a problem is about 30 minutes. In the last week I have had one train which just stopped moving so that had to be stripped down and repaired, then I had a train losing it address, then a short circuit then my DCC system crashed...



Been there, got that sweat soaked T-shirt. That was near forty years ago. What it taught me was that there is nothing so painful as a lot of work not done quite as well as it should, and then ever after causing trouble.


It's all motherhood and apple pie basically:

Select/build/modify control gear and models so that they meet your required reliability standard.

Design and build the track base to a known standard for adequate strength and stability.

Lay known reliable track with a practiced and proven technique, cutting no corners, not squeezing in a sub minimum radius or any other such crime.

Wire it to a very thorough standard using proven technique.

Test at intervals through track laying with the most demanding stock combinations and movements you intend to operate, correct any deficiencies.

Test run the completed layout for months to prove reliability and eliminating any faults that appear before beginning scenic treatment.

Test continuously during scenic treatment, eliminate any scenic treatment that even minutely impinges on operational reliability.

Keep a running record of all defects that appear subsequently, with fixes, to inform future layout construction decisions. (Yes, closed loop corrective action folks!)


...Why does these thing always happens when I just want to play trains and what was the last reason other had so they can't just play trains.



Last thing that stopped me 'just playing trains', roof leak. Needed an hour or two to clear up, and a small (cough) investment in a new roof covering. Actually budgetted for this when we moved in, got nearly ten more years life out of a manifestly clapped felted roof covering, already thirty five years old when we bought the place. Victory is mine.

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Richard, is someone trying to tell you that fault-finding is actually your forté ?  


I am presently (still) building a layout for playing at home...okay so it has been a project for three years now but life keeps getting in the way !


The reason for the 'home layout' is simply that for the last 28 years, I have built only exhibition layouts, both roundyroundy and terminus2fiddleyard, usually too big to actually put up in the then garage but constructed two sections at a time and then on a bright Summer day, dragged out to the back garden to make sure that it all fits together !  Mad ? Yes I am !


The garage is now a narrow corridor, with a work bench at either end, following the consultant's recommendation of a walk-in shower for some old geezer.


Oh, but wait ! I have an invite for 2016, so off we go again...... Why?  Because I suspect that constructing and then exhibiting the layout is as much fun for me as getting to play with it. 

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I had a similar problem with one of my old layouts… does yours include trains derailing for no reason on straight track by any chance?

I’m not going to be smug as my new layout isn’t at the playing stage yet but to avoid problems before I get them I have soldered droppers to each piece of track, checked the back to back on all locos & stock (I was really surprised on how many rtr models were out when they came out of the box.) also invested in the peco track cleaner unit to get all those hard to reach areas.

Not sure if any of this will help you but it might be worth a try

Failing that have you tried praying or a small sacrifice to the model railway Gods?



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Failing that have you tried praying or a small sacrifice to the model railway Gods?

unfortunately, all the gods I can think of pre-date railways by 1,000 years or more,so know nothing about them and are of no help :)


On my railway, there is an inaccessible spot in the back corner, which is where all derailments take place.

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Thanks for the support from everyon. I am still in the testing stage so expect stuff to go wrong but I just want to have a bit of fun. Luckily I don't have trains derailing for no reason I have spent 4 years rebuilding my layout making sure all track is up to standard, I have 2 feeds to each pice of track but I am having trouble where I used copper tape and it has not stuck properly. Hopefully I should get things running better soon.



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unfortunately, all the gods I can think of pre-date railways by 1,000 years or more,so know nothing about them and are of no help :)


On my railway, there is an inaccessible spot in the back corner, which is where all derailments take place.

If it's in a tunnel, try St Barbara..
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For the last few months I have got all my track down and wired up so I can play trains. But each time I go and play with my layout I always end up having to fault found and fix thing. The longest I have gone with out a problem is about 30 minutes. In the last week I have had one train which just stopped moving so that had to be stripped down and repaired, then I had a train losing it address, then a short circuit then my DCC system crashed.


Why dose these thing always happens when I just want to play trains and what was the last reason other had so they can't just play trains.



It's those 3 little letters...........(runs for cover) :tomato:

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