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Dismantling soldered whitemetal kits

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But it only works if the original builder used low melt solder. Years ago many people used all sorts of solder, sometimes at the risk of melting the castings, I know I did... 

Try the boiling water trick though as if it's a SEF kit it is more recent.



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Thank you both for the lightning response. I remembered reading about the boiling water method but thought my memory was playing tricks. Thanks again - that's one wonky SEF Star heading for a saucepan this weekend. 


The boiling water method is very good as you can see the 70 degree solder melt like chocolate, larger castings act like a heat sink. So if using the kettle method then might need a couple of goes. Or just leave it in the water for a bit as the water (and pan) will be under 100 degrees and cooling where as the casting metal will be heating up but still well under its own melting point.


Use some grips to hold the items instead of burning your fingers

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I have had problems in the past trying to dismantle old low melt point soldered joints. I'm not sure what had happened, and maybe a chemist could explain, but the joints just would not give. This problem has not occurred when for example I have had to unsolder parts that I have just  misaligned.  

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