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Ok, it's been a while since I decided to call time on the development of Tarbhit and one thing, or another, means that it's still taking up room in the 'modelling alcove' at the back of the living room.


This model needs a good home, so I'm more than happy to give it away, as it is, to anyone who can come and collect it from Edinburgh.


There are a few details that will be worth noting:

  • The layout is a stubby L-shape approximately 6' 6" long and 3' at its widest although the scenic section is about 20" wide.
  • It's fairly heavy but not unmanageable.
  • There is no fiddle yard. The baseboard was built in a single piece and had to be cut to get it off the wall and down to a decent size for storage.
  • The track that leads to the fiddle yard is at 90 degrees to the main part of the scenic section, so that the layout fitted in the corner, although it would be possible to re-route it to run parallel.
  • All of the point motors are controlled by DCC via a DCC Concepts 8 way accessory decoder. I'd like to keep this.
  • The wiring isn't the tidiest but functions fully.
  • The layout is wired for DCC.
  • The station building is not complete and was the one thing I was never that happy with. It hasn't been glued down.
  • There are a number of Dapol Easi-shunt magnets under the track but they do not activate the delayed action of the couplings.

I'll be keeping the rolling stock for a future project.



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Thought you would like to hear the plans for the layout firstly I will re-name it to Loch Tarbhit i have also come up with a backstory for Loch Tarbhit.


The line runs from Glasgow to Loch Tarbhit via the West Highlands of Scotland a junction halfway up the line has a connection to Stirling Tarbhit and Balla-hula-alsh which is further round the loch are the main towns in this region sadly Dr Beeching put paid to the railway running to Ballahula-alsh (this is the line with no buffers stops near the station) The ferry to Ballamory still runs from here!


There is however still a branch line this goes inland past a few mountians and then down to a land locked loch this branch is served by DMU's which connect with the Sleeper train and the loco-hauled trains from Glasgow and Stirling.


At the moment the plan is to run the layout in the BR Blue era but only a slightly later era than you were modelling the 37/0's and MK1's are largely gone and 37/4's and MK2's are now the order of the day. The sleeper train is formed of the new MK3 coaches with a MK2f


There is still a good deal of freight traffic there are three papermills in the area only one of which is rail-connected wagons with products for this industry such as china clay and timber are often seen in the yard as well as TTA's for the fueling point locos are regualary stabled and refueled here.


Lastly due to rocky nature of the area there is a quary which loads ballast for this region and is taken as far as Stirling and Perth the quary is on the branch line.


The locos I plan to run as follows,


Class 20, 27, 37/0, 37/4 and 156





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Here is what has been done so far the pics show Loch Tarbhit before and after i have added a new station building and one of the buildings from the Farish Brewery in this case it is being used as a warehouse for the local Disillery barrels are shipped here for onward transport by road,rail and sea.


No trains as yet as I am in the process of trading in the locos and stock from my other layout and the funds will go towards suitable stock for Loch Tarbhit.

















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Has it really been over a year. Had a lot going on last year passing driving test getting my first ever car and seeing Vulcan XH558 for the final few times so railways and model railways have taken a bit of a backburner. Having said that i am still building up the stock to run on Loch Tarbhit just more slowly than I would have liked. I now have most of the freight I wish to run so focus has turned to passenger trains coaches are proving elusive and expensive but I continue to check E-bay and local model shops.


I shall post a few update photos soon the layout is safe and well.



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Just an update the layout is now at my model club and i have space to work on it and store it and it will become a loop rather than an L shape i have liberated some scrap wood from my work to do this picture updates soon rolling stock mostly in place or on order



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