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Another Newcomer


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Hello, I thought I'd better introduce myself after being a guest browser for a long time. As a boy (long ago) I used to have a 00 Hornby layout on an 8x4 board, that came out during the school holidays, monopolised the 'front room' and was then hung over the bannister rail down the stairwell for storage. All stock and accessories being put away in a box on top of the wardrobe. When I married I started a few abortive layouts but regular moves around the country for work and the arrival of children stopped all that! Now I've retired and have a garden shed full of gear to sort out. I'm currently trying to decide between a historical 00 Great Northern line set in Lincolnshire (the proposed line from Horncastle to Spilsby?), a 7mm narrow gauge representation of one of the proposed lines from Boston to Frieston Shore, or something else.

What I am doing first is building a small 6foot x 20 inch narrow gauge country terminus to get me back into the habit (and I seem to have collected a selection of kits for locos and stock. Structures will all be scratchbuilt, but I still use old fashioned card/brickpaper methods. A learning curve is coming.

This is going to be longterm, so don't expect immediate reports on massive progress.


Incidentally, is anyone building the various stations in that area? I.E. Boston, Firsby, Spilsby, etc?


I look forward to my stay.

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  • 1 year later...

Well, decisions made over the last couple of months. In for a penny, etc. I'm going to do two layouts!! The 7mm narrow gauge tramway 'roundy-roundy' boards are already in place, and there will be a short shelf layout in 4mm OO above it on one side of the shed. This one will be very simple, with a small passing station, based roughly on Halton Holegate (between Firsby and Spilsby) so not too much in the way of buildings. Looking at the trackplan, though, I don't know how I'll be able to do prototypical shunting. 




NB - This decision is not yet set in stone.

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