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AL 1+ 85 = 81 [hopefully]

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I have always liked the early Electrics and have had a few 81's over the years but in a moment of madness I bought a new 85 then cut it up!




 To try and make it fit in this a little of the casting needs to be removed. The 85  cab interiors have been sanded down and are a snug fit. The air tanks and sommerfelt pantograph are shown for effect.




More later.


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So have you used the 85 cabs and fitted the 81 body, or that all 81?

Its all 81, the cab interiors from the 85 will be used as will the external fittings, tanks bus bars insulators etc.

I cut out the high voltage roof section from the AL5 and inserted it into my Tri-ang AL1.  Devil of a job, but looks nice.  Also cut out the DCC stuff to add more lead.

Got any pictures you can post?



This shows the 81 lineage. Have got the chassis to fit tonight, pics to follow



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One of the problems with most R-T-R AC electrics, at least until fairly recent models, has been the reduced depth, compared to scale, of the pantograph well. Where air tanks were later fitted (Cl.81-5) this results in them sticking up far too high. If you look at the picture on the ACLG site here, you can see the top of the tanks should be only a little above the cab roof.

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