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Wayne's Workbench - Wagon bashing, locos, and other stuff.

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Good evening,

To avoid clogging up the layout thread with all the rolling stock projects I thought I should have a workbench thread to chart the progress of not only my rolling stock builds but also any other workbench related activity.

The thread kicks off with a departmental theme as I have been indulging my interest in civil engineers stock. To start with I've been building a couple of Parkside Grampus wagons to cover some of the variations in the fleet.

I have a great liking for Parkside kits, they just seem to fall together quite quickly. This means that I can crack on with these in between building steel carrying stock for the layout.

For the moment the bodies have been built up and await a rolling chassis which is where the variations come in.

Pictures to follow.


Edited by Wayne 37901
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As promised a picture showing the first two Grampus wagons. Note the differing axle box covers, the wagon on the left being equipped with Hybox covers while the other is wearing white metal SKF style ones.




One wagon also retains it's branding plates as well as both being fitted with self contained buffers.



More soon.

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  • 1 month later...



Been a bit quiet on this one but modelling has been going on and the wagons are not far off being finished. Time is being taken adding some simple brake gear to the underframe as the is a lot of empty space in this area and whilst looking through pictures of Grampus it was clear that some of the brake components can be seen.


More soon



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  • 11 months later...

It's been a while since I've posted anything in here, so to solve that I've recently dug this Sulphuric Acid TTA out from the depths with a view to finishing it.


I actually started this around six years ago.


Next job is to make a start on the walkway.



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  • 1 month later...

Been a bit quiet on this thread but it's been busy busy.


Need to pull my finger out and finish some much needed stock for the steelworks plank, of which more anon.


I've also recently upgraded my painting facilities with a new spray booth, so it won't be too long before the next loco is outshopped.



Cheers for now,

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  • 4 months later...

Not posted on here for a while but I've been cracking on. Amongst other things I've been having a go at fitting wagons with sprung suspension and the first to treated was a brace of Bachmann long wheelbase vans, as well as building up yet another Grampus to finish my initial rake of six.


There is a couple of reasons for fitting sprung W-irons but one thing I wanted to do was get rid of those awful axleboxes which look nothing like the real thing.


Here's one of the pair complete apart from painting the W-irons, couplings and some underframe weathering. If you don't want to go down the springing route then just replacing the axleboxes would make a big difference to the appearance.





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  • 2 weeks later...

The fitting of BBs continues and this time I've started looking at my kit built stock.


First to be done is this OCA which has been awaiting running gear for some time along with a rake of SPAs.


As can be seen in the second photo it will need some packing to match the VBA van which is set at the correct height.






I've also finally got round to making some Steel Billet loads for my BDAs, These just need painting and Stanctions adding to the wagons.









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Work continues on the Cambrian OCA...


Having hopefully got the springs sorted out the etched w-irons are now being painted and a start has been made on the underframe gear.


I'll hopefully be able to post a pic or two later this evening.



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Some excellent work on here Wayne. Well done mate!




Thanks  Rob and nice to see you at the small layout show as well, I hope my layout didn't disappoint. I know the diesel era isn't really your bag but I hope you enjoyed it.




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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks  Rob and nice to see you at the small layout show as well, I hope my layout didn't disappoint. I know the diesel era isn't really your bag but I hope you enjoyed it.




Most definitely, Wayne. Not completely anti-diseasal though. May see something green and smelly (not GWR ) on my Sheep Lane in the future. Who knows ?


Perhaps a 37 from the blue box company with an 08 from the red box people......




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Not completely anti-diseasal though. May see something green and smelly (not GWR ) on my Sheep Lane in the future. Who knows ?


Perhaps a 37 from the blue box company with an 08 from the red box people......





Go on you know it makes sense. In terms of class 37s I would always go for 'the blue box team' over the ViTrains model, and while the Bachmann 08 is a nice model I think the Hornby has more going for it detail wise so good choices sir.

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Good afternoon,


A bit later than I promised but the underframe work has been done and I've now weathered the OCA, I haven't touched the insides yet as I'm looking for suitable pics. I wasn't going for a really scruffy appearance as in the early 90s many OCA and SPA still had quite good paintwork.


The photo doesn't quite show the underframe weathering but it is there. 


I still need to add couplings, brake hoses, brake discs and paint the buffer shanks but she's more or less done.


Anyway, I think you've all probably seen enough of this one.










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Following a recent search of the stock boxes I came across another Bachmann VAA van (which isn't a VAA) and was wondering what to do with it, as it was in Bauxite livery I didn't fancy a repaint into Railfreight red and grey but I fancied doing one of the RFD liveried ones so I set to work.


I personally think the colour Bachmann have used on thier VDA is slightly too dark so I gave up on matching that.


In any case I wasn't looking for an ex works finish as looking around at pictures (of which there are few) some of these looked slightly faded even in the early 90s.


Here's the state of play as of this evening with gloss and transfers next to be done.





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Good afternoon,


A bit later than I promised but the underframe work has been done and I've now weathered the OCA, I haven't touched the insides yet as I'm looking for suitable pics. I wasn't going for a really scruffy appearance as in the early 90s many OCA and SPA still had quite good paintwork.


The photo doesn't quite show the underframe weathering but it is there. 


I still need to add couplings, brake hoses, brake discs and paint the buffer shanks but she's more or less done.


Anyway, I think you've all probably seen enough of this one.





The insides were generally left unpainted, as I recollect- however, the two door stanchions on either side often seemed to be painted in body colour. These photos should show what I mean:-

https://ukrailwaypics.smugmug.com/UKRailRollingstock/O/OCA-dropside-open-wagon/i-6dzNB54/A (one grey, one Railfreight Red)

https://ukrailwaypics.smugmug.com/UKRailRollingstock/O/OCA-dropside-open-wagon/i-qgsfscG/A (both wagons Railfreight Red, even though one is painted grey)

These photos seem to suggest the inside of the doors and ends were possibly painted black when new.

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Hi Brian,


While I'm inclined to agree, I have seen other pictures and DVD footage that seems to show a full black interior as in these two pictures of the same wagon by Mr Bartlett http://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/oca/h1e587595#h1e587595 and http://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/oca/h12863c8f#h12863c8f also interesting is the brake block load.


In any case my OCA is weathered and varnished so it isn't getting changed now!  :no:


If I do another it'll be nice to have a variation so one for next time.



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Like many other modellers I tend to have several projects on the go at once, 0ne of the reasons is that some projects may be awaiting parts or paint drying and that allows others to progress to the next stage.


The following photo shows the workbench (Dining Table) in action with what I'm working on at the moment.


From the back we have SPA wagons starting to be retro fitted with sprung suspension, in the middle is a Bachmann VAA van modified and painted to become a VBA in RFD sector livery which is now ready for weathering and at the front is a Cambrian BNA steel slab carrier undergoing painting.




More on these as they progress further.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's progress so far on the sector VBA van.


It doesn't show up well in the photo but it's been slightly weathered with a wash of general dirt over the bodysides. Running gear and underframe weathering to follow, I really must order some wheels!





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After an interesting conversation with James Makin about engineers wagons earlier today, I made a discovery while looking for something else in the unfinished projects boxes up in the loft.


What I found were four YGH Sealion ballast wagons I did quite some time ago using the Lima wagon as the basis. These were done long before Bachmann announced their version and quite possibly before Hornby re-tooled the original Lima model to bring it more in line with their Shildon built Seacow.


I'm slightly undecided about these, do I finish them off or do I get rid and use the new RTR models? Most of me is thinking the former option as quite a fair bit of workbench time was spent on them. Obviously they need transfers and weathering to finish but that's no big job compared to starting from scratch with new base models.




Work done inlcudes...


** Removing the internal dividing plate (it comes too far up on the Lima model).

**Some tidying up of brake cylinders to remove mould lines.

** Replacing the VERY incorrect Lima bogies with etched internal frames from Jon Hall, along with Cambrian cosmetic Gloucester frames. 

** Modifying the bogie mounting to take the above into account.

** opening out a small access hole in the body on one side.


Once that was done the wagons were painted in dutch livery. It wouldn't take a lot of effort to get them finished, although I would like to do something about the bendy plastic used for the guard rails.




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Thanks for the replies gents,


Having thought a bit more I've decided that I will finish these off, although I might revisit some of the detail as some areas are not quite correct.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I've started adding two more SSA scrap wagons to increase the fleet to five, there's plenty of variation to be found with these so they make for a fun project.


Here's an 'in progress' photo of the workbench in full swing with the two bodies under construction. Not much to see at the moment... Until the weathering starts that is. 





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One slight issue I have with Cambrian kits is when it comes to bogies and suspension units as they're quite fiddly to assemble and don't tend to have a lot of strength. With bogies I always use etched internal frames and for vehicles with axleguards I now use Bill Bedford sprung w-irons on any wagons over a wheelbase of 16'.


The photo below shows the use of etched units on an SSA., for these I'm using Comet Models etched w-irons. These should used in compensated form but I don't like any sort of moving w-iron on a model so I fix them to the wagon floor purely using them for there structural strength, I then attach the moulded suspension units cosmetically to these.


I also use an axle spacing gauge to hold the axles at the correct wheelbase while things are left to set.




Etched w-irons in place during a dry run to check the fit and moulded suspension units are seen in front, in this case the four spring ESC type.







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  • 2 weeks later...

More progress on the newest members of the SSA scrap wagon fleet, with painting and lettering complete the fun task of weathering could begin. In my time period these wagons were not so heavily bashed about so I chose not to replicate any body damage and opt for weathering instead, another reason I chose to avoid the body damage is I always think it looks overdone, even when trying not to overdo it if that makes sense.


The first job was to apply a coat of Humbrol Dark Rust wash which comes ready thinned in a jar. This photo shows how the wagons looked after this first stage.




After letting this dry briefly, it was buffed with a damp brush to blend it in to the paintwork and here's how it looked after that.




When that was done I then got the weathering powders out to add further colour and blending.




And finally here's how it looked after applying a further coat of Matt varnish to seal everything in.





A very productive evening I must say.


I've enjoyed modelling these wagons as they have many variations and plenty of scope for weathering. I may add a few more in the future but these will do for now.











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