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Where to buy Flywheel for Mashima 1015?


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Try an email to Branchlines sales@branchlines.com or phone 01373 822231, but perhaps not this weekend as they are at Railwells.

They sell the 1015 motor and have displayed various flywheels, so I suspect they would have something that would fit. Don't bother with their blogspot, as it is several years out of date, but there is the promise of a proper website in the "near" future.

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I think you will find that Dave Cleal at MainlyTrains in Watchet will be able to help you. Dave still stocks the basics for 4mm model building and offers a very good mail order service. A number of years ago I posted off an order on the Thursday before Easter (Maundy Thursday) from Dampier in Western Australia's North West 1200 kms from Perth our State Capital, where all postal items have to pass on thier way to the rest of Australia (and the World).


I returned to work on the Tuesday after Easter and driving into Dampier to stock up on bread, cheese and milk I called into the Dampier Post Office to see if I had any mail, well, yes I did. There was a parcel postmarked Exeter on the previous Saturday, so they had got the order on Saturday and sent the goods the same day and I had the parcel in five days. You can't beat that!


A quick check shows that Dave only keeps the Comet range of Flywheels, but he is closer than Australia!



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