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GWR Dark stone - is there a spray paint option

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The title says it all really.


At some point I am going to have a lot of station structure which will need painting in GWR dark stone (No.3). I don't fancy using the paint brush and I don't have an airbrush. Does anyone know of someone who produces a spray paint for this or whether there is a simialr Halfords car spray which could be used?





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Sadly I am not aware of any aerosols of this colour. It seems to only be available in small pots from Humbrol, Railmatch and Precision. The Precision colour seems to be regarded as the most accurate by modellers with the Railmatch version being a little washed-out by comparison.


I am not aware of any car paints that match that shade but there may be a solution if you really don't want to brush-paint or buy an air brush. Buy a tin of Dark Stone from precision and paint it onto a flat bit of card to make a swatch. Then take it into your local Halfords and ask them to find the nearest match (cheaper) or mix some up for you to match it (more expensive but more accurate).

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