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Accident or Stupidity, Man Killed on U.S. Shooting Range


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As a British citizen living in the US, I can share the comments above by other expats over here.  We all know the problems of guns and criminals but this is the US and common sense at the NRA is a rare commodity as it is with a lot  of the government.



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Whilst I may offend some folks, frankly I have to question the sanity of ANY individuals such as those below, who, in support of the so-called "open carry laws", recently chose to "demonstrate" in Texas (I think it was) and several other states/locations, as shown in a departemnt store for christ sake!

Fact of life is that ANY gun has only one designed purpose (unlike knives/hammers etc., etc.) as a tool, and that it to kill or maim!




Seeing individuals such as this in grocery/clothing stores with AR-15s, AK-47 lookalikes and other semi-automatic rifles does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to bolster my confidence that there is a  "...well armed militia...", it's rather an armed-to-the-teeth mob of weekend-warrior nut jobs who can't simply see the overt threat that walking around with loaded semi-automatics poses. If I EVER see this sort of demonstration I leave, as I don't have enough trust in those folks to want to be near them...

You require LESS training to get a gun than a car license here, and look how many eeejuts manage to kill folks with cars!


In fact to be licensed to CUT HAIR in Minnesota requires schooling/training and a certification (also nuts IMHO!!). Owning a gun, a 24-hour wait period and a cursory background check, that has been PROVEN to miss even listed felons!!! :jester:


The following are ads for a local box-store chain called Fleet Farm, that sells everything INCLUDING the kitchen sink, sorta like a B&Q + Aldi + Waitrose + sporting goods all rolled into one enormous store, locations spread all over the state.

Here are the ads for guns, walk in and 24-hours later get your gun, some less than the price of a high-end sounds equipped loco!!! Oh and since this weekend is the end-of-summer holiday weekedn they WILL have many of these on sale...


They break them down into three categories...

Handguns - http://www.fleetfarm.com/category/hunting/firearms/handguns


Hunting Rifles - http://www.fleetfarm.com/category/hunting/firearms/rifles?q=&howMany=48&sortOrder=ascending


Tacticals - http://www.fleetfarm.com/category/hunting/firearms/tactical?q=&howMany=24&sortOrder=ascending


If ANYONE can explain to me why the tactical section is even sensibly an option I'd love to hear it! :jester: Hunting bambi with these isn't "sport"???


The "well defended" second amendment IMHO probably should stand, BUT, with the obvious and original purpose/intent OF THE TIMES, and anyone who wants to open-carry a muzzle-loading musket has my full support, THAT is what the founding father envisioned...


NOTE: I have fired many weapons, and used to own a target-competition .357 S&W revolver. I sold it when I had kids, as the safest gun in the wolrd is one NOT in easy access to my friends and family. That includes not on my property, ever, period.



After reading this, I fail to understand how the 2nd. Amendment would have protected the USA from recent terrorist attacks ?.


I hesitate to list them, but somewhere along the line, violence breeds violence.


For example, American and funds from sympathisers, to am the IRA, resulted in the total deaths, during the period 1969 to 2001, of 3.500+. 700+ of these being those of UK armed forces.(Without labouring the point, a similar number to those lost in the 'Twin Towers' terrorist attack).


I could continue with this 'Winge', but, looking around, things are continuing to get worse.;


All the best.

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