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Croydon North Street - NSE 3rd Rail 1980s/90s

Pete 75C

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David, the lighting *at the moment* is purely for my own benefit... I have mentioned that I might be tempted to take North Street somewhere local for a quick outing but that's only a definite *maybe*... I would need more stock and, for the sake of my sanity, give the layout a thorough shakedown to make sure it all works as it should!

Once I've moved the layout down one floor and tested it thoroughly, I need to make up fascia and start experimenting with the lighting. I'm not even sure of the wattage of the bulbs that are fitted and maybe something is to be gained by fitting 40W daylight bulbs. As cromptonnut mentioned earlier, moving the spots inwards a little might make a difference. Definitely a "suck it and see" scenario... but those double shadows are definitely a killer!

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It´s looking superb Pete. All of it.

You knock up a layout in the time it takes me to think about, then draw, then "um & ah" a bit more about something like the lean-to!!

I´m looking forward to the 32 week roundy, roundy project!! :mosking:



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It´s looking superb Pete. All of it.

You knock up a layout in the time it takes me to think about, then draw, then "um & ah" a bit more about something like the lean-to!!

I´m looking forward to the 32 week roundy, roundy project!! :mosking:


So am I, but you forgot to put a "1" in front of the "32"... I think a bit more time planning is called for! I do envy those with the ability to plan ahead so they know before any wood is cut exactly where everything will be and how it should look. Sadly, I'm just not that disciplined! I change my mind all the time but the image of a "Western" or a "Peak" pulling 7 or 8 Mk1s won't go away. There's a clue in there somewhere...


Got sidetracked this evening and only managed to cut and glue in place the handrail stanchions for the carriage siding platform. Buffer stop and steps still need to be done.

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  • RMweb Premium

Looking Good Pete, Its amazing to look back over the thread and see the project evolve to where it is now in a relatively short space of time. It seems to have come on leaps and bounds once the scenics started!

I would be extremely proud of this one if I were you... It may even be worth a word with Mr York about magazine space... I certainly think it is a worthwhile candidate.


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That looks amazing Pete, is that buffer stop made using one of those white metal N gauge bridge supports from auto loco?


Hi Russ. No, the buffer stop is just an off-the-shelf Fleischmann HO item. All I've done is cut the buffer beam off and then reglued it slightly higher to match UK stock. I don't particularly like the Peco rail-built buffer stops and I thought that the Fleischmann item might work as it has a reasonable representation of the heavy pressed-steel construction that's now quite common in the UK. The buffer stop at the end of Platform 1 is by Roco, again slightly modified. I did purchase a PH Designs etched brass buffer stop and then just looked at it for ages, before realising I could never solder something that fiddly together!



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Hi Andy. As we speak (or actually as you typed), I was upstairs with coach-bolts and electrical connectors in hand... Moved the layout down one floor yesterday afternoon, an operation fraught with danger as the staircase from 2nd down to 1st floor is steep and there are still building materials littering the landing. I thought I'd removed everything loose from the layout but one Ford Fiesta is still missing, presumed damaged! Luckily no lamp-posts are bent.

I'm going to spend a couple of hours today thoroughly cleaning the track and giving the whole thing a hoover. I might repaint the front fascias whilst I'm at it. With better light and more room to move, I'm going to take some photos showing North Street as a whole, instead of just taking the occasional detail picture of something I've been working on. Hopefully I can get these uploaded tomorrow(ish).

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  • RMweb Gold

Are you sure that the layout is in Croydon as with stolen cars it should be New Addington. I went to college with a bloke who had a relatively new Granada but left it at his parents and had a Fiesta at his place in New Addington. However, it got nicked out of his garage!!!

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I've just had one of those horrible "flashback" moments and have remembered the reason behind my one and only visit to New Addington. Many many many years ago, I met a girl who worked in the Co-op warehouse on Beddington Lane and she was from New Addington. I went with her one evening to "meet the parents" about 5 floors up a tower block. Her dad took an instant dislike to me and as he had a collection of Samurai-type swords hanging on brackets on the living room wall, I was sensible enough never to go back... Nice girl, shame about the swords.

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  • RMweb Gold



I remember a colleague who was investigating thefts of koy carp from properties in Selsdon (very expensive pond fish for those who don't  know)


The numbers being stolen were racking up and he had no leads until a koy carp shop opened in New Addington parade!


Now, we could accuse the police of stereotyping here but........a warrant was obtained and the shop visited - sure enough the fish on sale were the stolen ones. You may or may not know but the markings on koy are unique like fingerprints. Safely retrieved, many were returned to their owners but a number were not. So here's our man's problem - how to keep the poor fish alive and safe. As it happens, Hendon training school has a massive ornamental pond. My colleague rang the commandant of the school to ask if he would allow the fish to be put in his pond. He thought he was being wound up and went ballistic down the phone and no amount of persuasion would convince him the call was genuine. The one end of the conversation I heard was hilarious, I'd love to have got both sides of it!


Sorry Pete, I am leading you way off topic  :declare:

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Sorry Pete, I am leading you way off topic  :declare:


No problem. Distractions more than welcome. Today is possibly the dullest day in the history of North Norfolk and I'm about to try and take some overview pics of the layout in just natural light... duh. I may have to rig up those spots again.

Meanwhile... "There was a young lady from Purley..." Oh, you've heard that one... :mosking:

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