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Florida Springs

Chris Gilbert

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Chris...I see what you mean about the trees in relation to the orange-grove.....but maybe the problem is that the orange-grove is too small(short) not that the trees are too tall. The highway bridge thing is so overdone....I think Rays concept might add more interest.

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Always good to see a new layout from you, Chris! Specially with one of my favorite locos modeled.


I’ve developed a taste for “tree tunnels” - very handy and they are everywhere over here, thankfully.... I saw one recently on a shortline in New Jersey the interior of which was an almost perfect natural facsimile of their loading gauge.  So you can always put the trees real close and snip away at them.


Best, Pete.

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just an idea 

I found these while looking for some Palm trees





So adding some palm trees it looks like this

its only placed on to get the feel.








It still needs more adding but I think it looks much better with the smaller trees.

If i was to scenic the fiddle yard, at might somehow hid the hole 



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The scrap yard receives old boxcars, cuts them up, and ships them out in gondolas



Good job that operation is "off scene"..... could get very expensive cutting up loads of old boxcars at every Exhibition!! :O


sorry, just my sense of humour.... :blush:

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