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After hanging around this site for a couple of years I finally decided to join up and become part of the community. I have seen a lot of helpful information here and hope to share any of my (small) knowledge with other members.


I live in Adelaide, South Australia but do most of my purchases direct from the UK. There seems to be a paucity of British outline product available locally and what is available is often ridiculously priced although there are a few exceptions in the trade who make it possible to continue the hobby. I am prematurely retired so funds are not always readily at hand for some of the newer releases but I do make up an annual wish list. Sometimes I even manage to complete it.   


I mainly model the GWR in OO scale (no particular period) and various pre-group concerns such as LNWR but have a fair range of other items in my collection including old Hornby O scale tinplate, Australian HO and American N scale. At one stage I even had a 5" gauge model of a South Australian Railways 500 class diesel powered by a Honda 50cc motor.  


I've been modelling all my 50+ years but currently don't have a layout to share - a situation that I hope to remedy in the near future. My earliest memories are of layouts built by my father running his old H/D Cardiff Castle and early Tri-ang models. He still has the Castle and his old 'Lord of the Isles' he bought when they first came out. The layouts were never very permanent as we were always moving around to various country towns as my father was transferred from one police station to another. He is currently just short of 80 but we are in the process of planning a joint project to build a layout of about 13' x 7' with an extension to one end for a moderate sized loco depot.


One of my other interests is in very early locomotives. I working on a design for a small layout based on a modern preservation society running genuine and reproduction early trains. The idea is to provide a home for my collection of various models which include a Hornby 'Rocket', Piko 'Saxonia', K's L&M Lion, scratch built 'Northumbrian' & 'Planet' types and the models of the 'Dewitt Clinton', 'John Bull' and 'Prussia' from Bachmann.




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Welcome Dave


I'm always pleased to see another GWR modeller especially one who likes some of the early engines, they are of interest to me to though most of mine are still waiting to be completed as I'm not one of the fastest modellers in the world, a few time constraints see to that.


I hope you enjoy your stay and we look forward to seeing anything you wish to post.



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Why not pop along and see our Phil Parker at the BRMA Convention next week?

Hi Andy,


I had thought of going to the convention but unfortunately my ready cash supply is a bit on the low side. The venue is only about a ten minute drive from home and I had intended to try for at least getting to the Friday clinics but my pension wouldn't even stretch as far as that. I hope that by the next time Adelaide hosts the convention I may be able to attend.



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Welcome Dave


I'm always pleased to see another GWR modeller especially one who likes some of the early engines, they are of interest to me to though most of mine are still waiting to be completed as I'm not one of the fastest modellers in the world, a few time constraints see to that.


I hope you enjoy your stay and we look forward to seeing anything you wish to post.



G'day Jim,


I've been watching your thread since I first started lurking on the site and have become very envious of your skills. If I can manage to build a layout half as good as your model I would be quite pleased with myself.


My favorite part of the hobby is building loco and coach models either from kits or from scratch. Current projects include a straight frame 'Saint' (GWS will probably have their new build finished before me), a 1361 class saddle tank - just my luck that a RTR has recently been announced - and a LNWR 'Experiment'. I'm also undertaking a rebuild (for the 3rd time) of an old K's 'Duke' class. I'm backdating the cab to the older narrow type and replacing a lot of the fittings with better detailed versions. Coaches in the various stages of construction include a rake of Ratio LNWR types to go with the 'Experiment', a scratch build of the GWR six car articulated suburban set, a Super Saloon, 70' all 3rd and an H55 buffet car.



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  • 8 months later...

Hello and welcome,


I, too, lurked for a while before breaking cover around April, if I recall.  I noted your interest because my first interest is the Great Western, all periods, and my second, all things pre-grouping, and am always pleased to see others who share these interests.  I envy your facility with locomotive and coach construction, however, as architectural modelling is really all I feel moderately competent at!

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Hi Edwardian,


I'm making slow progress on all the models I mentioned above (except the artic. set) with the addition of quite a few other projects. Added to the list now are a LNWR Watford 0-6-2T, a rebuild of my TVR 0-4-0ST, strip down and repaint of my 42xx 0-8-2T and old Wills 0-6-0ST models. I've also dug out my old K's kits for a Bulldog 4-4-0, Aberdare 2-6-0 and 72xx 2-8-2T. The Bulldog has the old mark 1 motor and wheels which I've always found reliable but the Aberdare and 72xx will each need new wheels, motor and gearbox. I have a Gem ex Cambrian 2-4-0T with Mainly Trains chassis on the go as well as one of the old Ratio plastic Johnson 2-4-0's which I'm converting to a close approximation of a GWR 3232 class. The articulated suburban project has been replaced on the modelling bench with a 7 coach South Wales set of 70 footers. Almost forgot the about 30 various goods vehicles.


I keep wondering if I may have bitten off more than I can chew at the moment! 





Edit - I did finally finish the 1361 class!

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