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Dapol J94

paul 27

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Solder them back onto the motor brush terminals.


Before doing that though, I would attach flying leads to the motor brush terminals and study the running.


I have had a couple of these J94s as later produced by Hornby, one a fair runner, the other a complete dog. Had the 'dog' apart to see if I could bring it up the standard of the better one. Long story short, I was able to make it better yet. The motor clamping arrangement onto plastic mouldings was the main trouble, flash and slight distortion meant the motor worm was binding on the worm wheel, and also the motor shaft was not perpendicular to the gear shaft. A little fettling and the real running potential was revealed. Had the better one apart, and that was mainly a trapped wire under the motor moving the motor slightly away from ideal position.


Since the motor isn't currently wired in, I'd take this chance first to see whether there is anything that can be sorted out on the mechanism that will enable better running.

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