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BBC News

Ron Heggs

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Looks as though the BBC believe Sweden is in Africa 



No, they were reporting that story on the news pages aimed at Africa which cover international as well as specifically African news. Since it's on the internet you can pick up any of the BBC's online news outputs with equal ease.


Since the government forced the BBC to pay for World Service (and S4C) out of UK licence fees rather than via a Foreign Office grant- effectively a very large hidden cut in its funding-  there's been a lot more integration of domestic and overseas news services so they're far more based on a common core of stories.  They are also now all in New Broadcasting House instead of World Service being in a completely different building (Bush House)

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  • RMweb Premium

The real story is, well, the story itself. Are the Swedish Navy chasing an illusion, is there a Russian submarine in their waters, is it something else? What happens if they do identify something and try and force it to the surface? What does it signify if it is indeed a Russian sub? I really hope the Swedish Navy have had an attack of periscopitis as was called and it will be remembered as an embarrassing mistake.

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