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Bachmann Class 40 and SWD sound chip fit.


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I bought a new Bachmann class 40 over the weekend along with the accompanying ESU decoder from south west digital. I have now opened up the locomotive and cant see where the speaker fits? I bought one for my Hornby 50 and that was a straight easy fit this however has got me confused. The decoder is the correct 21 pin and the speaker is rectangular measurin approx 50mm x 15mm x10 mm and i cant see where it should fit. Any advice gratefully received.


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An update to this thread. I have spoken to south west digital and my locomotive is one of the new ones where this speaker is incompatible and the 28mm round one has to be fitted. However they did give me a word of warning when fitting this speaker. Unfortunately the speaker box has to be removed to allow the speaker to fit and this is where an emerging problem arises. When fitting the speaker some double sided tape has to be fitted to the base of the speaker to prevent it coming into contact with the chassis and shorting out the speaker and blowing up the decoder. They said that they have already received a couple of calls this morning with people not doing this and the decoders ruined.

Hope this helps others before fitting theirs.


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