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Douglas Creek, SD


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Thanks Dan for the thread regarding that shortline. There goes my lunchtime! Meanwhile, thoughts have been put forward by the beverage companys bosses of expanding and therefore re-laying the curved spur into a straight spur that will run alongside a new non railserved warehouse.

All the best,


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Hello all,

Tonight has been mainly spent on repainting the beverage company's warehouse due to the blue paint is used (Tamiya paints) drying very rough and streaky so its been painted with citadels dheneb stone. As sods law would have it though, i've run out of paint after the first coat!


On another note, i'm wondering if anyone can help me solve a problem. I have a FVM GP60M and at high speeds, it suddenly slows down and the motor makes an awful whirring/ mild grinding noise. I think the motor slipping but if anyone can clarify it would help a lot!

All the best,



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On another note, i'm wondering if anyone can help me solve a problem. I have a FVM GP60M and at high speeds, it suddenly slows down and the motor makes an awful whirring/ mild grinding noise. I think the motor slipping but if anyone can clarify it would help a lot!

All the best,




The first thing would be to make sure the wheels aren't slipping, but I'd guess that either one of the worms isn't meshing with the truck gear properly and that at some load it is no longer driving the truck (hence the slowing) and is bouncing off the tips of the gear or one of the driveshafts is not be seated in the motor/flywheel properly and is slipping*. I don't have one (but its mechanism is similar to a lot of modern locos), so I'm not sure which is the more likely.


*This might be something like the plastic key on the worm shaft (that engages with the flywheel) slipping.


Check that both trucks are properly seated in the chassis.





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Thanks Adrian, i had thought this and checked the alignment but they were both fine :dontknow: Where it only happens at speed and Douglas Creek is a switching layout, would it damage the loco if i carried on using it?


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  • 1 month later...

Well its been a while since I updated everyone on Douglas Creek. Since last time, quite a bit of work has been done on the layout. The main beverage building has been replaced with a more urban warehouse. I'm still working on signage for it. A main road has been added to access the office block (Just out of shot). Furthermore, the offices have been fenced to keep the local area chavs out. :sarcastichand:


A more close up shot of the road. The roads made of 80 grit sandpaper painted with tamiya gloss black and then drybrushed tamiya matt black if anyones interested.I got the idea from another forum (I'm sorry!).


Also, I got a special prezzie for crimbo...A BNSF dash 8-40CW! I've started detailing it by starting to paint the handrails the proper yellow.

Meanwhile, the far righthand area has sprouted grass!  Its all woodlands scenics with a product called flowersoft mixed in to look like flower bunches (The effect looks better from afar).



Well I hope everyone enjoyed that update and I hope to uppdate a bit more when ballasting carries on.

All the best,



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  • 1 month later...

I don't mind you asking at all Dan, the complete opposite in fact! :) Its just a modified CG textures warehouse that I made and its glued to a thick piece of balsa which you leave under heavy books for two days to glue fully. The sides are just painted the same colour as the concrete. Unfortunately, there may not be many updates on Douglas Creek as I'm mainly focusing my modelling attention upon Fiddlers Canyon. (That should be updated tonight hopefully).

All the best,


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