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Help please at identifying these chassis NE?LNER?

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I bought  six very interesting brass scratch built chassis made from 1/16th brass bar. I have no idea what locos they are for so seeking assistance, one train of thought is they are North Eastern, but equally may be something totally different




These are what I believe are the most interesting, mainly due to the amount of work

Top chassis left to right 36mm x 35mm front may be the right hand side therefore 35mm x 36mm  Length 116mm

Bottom chassis left to right 36mm x 26mm front may be the left hand side. Could be 0-6-2 (or 0-6-0 or 2-6-2) Length 112mm




Top has a wheelbase of 28mm and I guess is a 4-4-0  Length 106mm

Bottom chassis ia a 2-6-2 by the look of it 26mm x 24mm x 24mm I am guessing the front is the right end Length 146mm




Top chassis says 22mm x 22mm x 24mm , Front ma be left end 0-8-0?

Bottom 31.5mm x 35mm, front right end? 0-6-0?


Any assistance would be of great use as its a shame if at least 4 of them find doesn't a home if only of because of the work that has been done on them. Initially I hope I can use some if not all of them. I especially like the very open frame one, thinking of using it on an 0-16.5 loco


Thanks in advance 

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The first might just be a GER 0-6-0. The J18 the most likely fit  given the frame length.


Your fourth in the OP - proposed as a 2-6-2 - cannot be as all the axles are co-planar, suggesting an outside cylinder eight coupled, cylinders at left end. The frame shaping to right underside cannot be for a carrying wheel, as the driving wheel overlaps. Wheelbase dimensions suggest the NER T1 / LNER Q5 0-8-0.

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