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BNSF SD40-2, Moddeling nose mounted headlights.

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  • RMweb Premium

I want to convert a Kato SD40-2, specifically #6340 from cab mounted headlights to nose mounted so as to update the model.

I've sourced some blanking plates from BLMA but I'm pretty much at a loss as to which headlights I need to use.

Ive looked at parts from Details West and Detail Associates, but there are a fair few of them and its difficult to tell

from web pages and tiny pictures what parts I should be looking at!

If any one has any idea's, I would appreciate any info on the subject.

Here's the loco in question- http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/showPicture.aspx?id=771341

From what I can tell, are these parts any good?- https://www.walthers.com/exec/productinfo/235-117

Or maybe something like this- http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/381062514356?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

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  • RMweb Premium

THANK YOU very much guys, just the info I needed!

What a great forum this is. :sungum:

I can see it (the 117) Β would have been yet another part added to my collection that I would not have used.

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From what I have seen all BNSF units that have had their lights moved to the nose have the same light as the Detail Associates LT1003.

Yes I think you are right. I had a look through my photos of BNSF units taken on a couple of trips to the USA and they all look like that part.








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Liking the ex BN 40-2 there Alastair, good catch! :sungum:

Liking the ex BN 40-2 there Alastair, good catch! :sungum:

Thanks Gary. I took the picture at Caliente in 2005. It's the only ex-BN loco I've seen with that style of BNSF small lettering and the BN logo unpatched.


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