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Fordley - Present Day Ballast Loader/Station/WRD...


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Cheers David and Wrighty, the layout is currently packed away as I've been playing trains on the track underneath where it is put, but it should be back up soon and further ballasting will take place.



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This looks great! I particularly like the track weathering, could I ask which colour you used, or did you mix up your own colour? It looks absolutely spot on.

Thanks very much! The track colour is Railmatch 'Sleeper Grime'. I bought a rattle can of it and once all the track had been laid I simply gave it all a spray (apart from the concrete section). I will weather the track again with more browns/blacks once all the ballast is down.




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Thanks Jack, useful info - I have some of that sleeper grime colour as well, it somehow looks better in your pics than it does when I use it! :)

I coat everything quite heavily to provide a good wood colour ready for ballast and post-ballast weathering.



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  • 2 months later...

Hi all,


I'd like to thank each and every one of you who have viewed, replied, rated and followed my layout throughout 2015. Have yourselves an excellent festive break, and I hope Santa brings those railway goodies you've wished for! ;)


Cheers all! :)





Some suitably festive pics taken on the layout, of a failed Voyager being hitched up to a 57:




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  • 3 months later...



Firstly I must apologise for the lack of updates, life has been getting in the way rather a lot recently! :yes:


But today I've forged on, and done some ballasting...or rather...gluing of ballast, and I should have the first board done in no time:


Also I'll hopefully have the rest of the boards done soon, so I can glue them together and set the whole layout up! All 15' of it! :senile:


And while the sun was out, I couldn't resist some snaps...enjoy!







Thanks for sticking with this! Hopefully it'll be worth it in the end! ;)




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  • 1 month later...

Evening all,


Just a quick update to say that the layout is progressing, however slowly, and now all the wooden sleepered track is ballasted on the first board...



In other news, the third board is now cut and awaiting collection, and the last two aren't too far off. Once these are done I can glue them all together and see what it looks like as a whole.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Many thanks WCML100 and everyone who's liked the thread recently...I've withheld from posting an update as no real progress has happened, but today I brought this home from school...and after some sanding and cleaning up it looks more recognisable...


This will be glued up in due course, and the final two will be cut a week on Monday.


And just a photo now I've put the second board up to show how it looks...this will now be painted and ballasted when I replenish supplies shortly...



Thanks for sticking with this...in two weeks I'll have done all my exams and I'll have an 8 week summer...much modelling time! :yes:


Keep on modelling!


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  • 1 month later...



Not much has been done on the layout despite me being on holiday, but I'm starting to think about scenics.

Before I ballast the platform line, I want to make the platform facing. This will be done using embossed plasticard that is stone patterned...the picture below shows the raw plasticard, and after it has received a slight black weathering, which will obviously be more dirty under a platform! The weathered bits were from a scrapped scenic plank...


To begin with, I've glued and stapled some cardboard strips to the platform to bring it up to standard height, measured by a couple of DMUs of course! When I secure some more plasticard and possibly a tunnel moulding (dependant on an appropriate and inexpensive product), the scenics on the first board will go ahead. Recently I've been looking at point control using rods...more on this later, and I'll glue up the remaining boards soon, then put it all together and realise how big it is! :no:

Some pictures from today...






Keep on modelling!


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Morning Jack.

Good to see the layouts still moving along. The base boards look great by the way. Good idea using the school equipment to make them.



Cheers Marcus! It seemed too good an oppurtunity to miss when I was planning my next layout, and school had just got a brand new laser cutter, so I leapt at the chance. It was touch and go whether I'd get them all done before I left though, but I got them done...just!


Today I've been finishing the point mechanisms on the second board. This consisted of some brazing rod I acquired from my uncle, who owns an automotive repair shop. These are plenty strong enough and can be bent to form a solid handle to pull the points with. I cut the correct length of rod, then bent one end up 90 degrees, to leave a handle of about an inch. Then I took some half inch or so lengths of 4mm OD plastic tube, and glued them with hot glue to some short pieces of square softwood lengths. Next I threaded two of these, along with half a choccy block, on each rod, and bent the other end up at a right angle, but in the opposite way, to point down, so I can operate the points from both sides of the layout. One end sticks up through a hole behind the backscene, whilst the other sticks down just behind the front edge.

To control the points, a small piece of stiff wire was bent in an L shape, with lengths of about 1.5 inches and half an inch. The longer length was pushed through the hole in the base board and tiebar, and the short end was secured into the choccy block and screwed tight. This works a treat and provides some springing too, so the motion is not too abrupt. Once again, pictures will explain better than me :yes:




And a little story of the first locos to use the new points. Having just come off an ECS for a steam tour at Preston, 57601 and 47787 came into the passing loop at Fordley, because the latter loco had completely run out of fuel!


Following their arrival, the 57 uncoupled and ran forward onto the through line, which also held a 142 which was heading to Preston


Which left the 47 and pacer waiting


Then the 57 ran round the errant duff after the pacer had departed, and coupled up to push it onto the fuelling point


Following its drink, 47787 fired up and the pair ran a short distance forward


Then waited departure back to Preston to await the return of the tour



Keep modelling! :)


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...



To those who have followed, commented, liked or viewed this thread during 2016, I'd like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year.


Posed on my layout 'Tight End Yard' are 37409 'Lord Hinton', 66407 and the two MK2a escort coaches. A link to the layout thread and workbench thread can be found in my signature. Fordley is progressing very slowly, but I hope to build the rest of the boards soon and start erecting the whole layout to see how it looks :yes:


Happy Christmas! ;)


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Great inspiration!

How are you going to disguise the exit to the fiddle yard on the left behind the aggregate loading building?

Cheers...I was originally going to use a tunnel, but the idea of a bridge with a small wooded area the other side (in between the running lines and the loading line), before a rockface of some description seems a better idea. I'll do a small drawing shortly to illustrate this.




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