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Marcus 37

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Marcus 37 last won the day on May 9 2016

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  1. Scenery is looking really good Leon. I see those pesky sheep have managed to get on the wrong side of the fence as per usual. The driver will be having lamb chops for tea again. HaHa
  2. Ah, you've beaten me to it. I've been meaning to dig my choppers out for a run on my hoppers. They certain look good though. Unfortunately the hoppers have given the excuse to buy even more loco's Peaks, 25s, and 40's spring to mind as well as the 47's and 31's but luckily I already possess some of those. Cheers Marcus
  3. Looking good Scott. Really nice job on the crane and loving all those Sectorised split box 37's. I've noticed Hattons have even dropped the price on the British Steel Janus as well although still not as cheap as the BP version. Cheers Marcus
  4. Hi Dave I must admit I do like that a lot. If your layout wasn't atmospheric enough that brings in yet another dimension to the realism. Nice touch indeed. My lad, when he does the videos for PDW, has some pretty good editing software where he can cut chunks of sound out or add bits in. Not sure what it's called as I'm not that computer savvy. But I would have thought it could be used to cut out the unwanted bits of announcements. I'll ask him later what the softwares called. Cheers Marcus
  5. Cheers matey. Hopefully get a bit more done on the building today especially as it's so grim outside.
  6. I think that should just about do it. Heard for bulk orders there's free delivery as well. HaHa
  7. Yep I've got that one as well. Top videos they're were. Think there were 3 altogether.
  8. Yeah but probably got as far as Dove Holes tunnel and boiled over due to lack of coolant. Leaky Swiss Sulzer tat!! Tounge firmly in cheek if IPad hasn't added the smilies.
  9. Hi David Just been catching up on your thread. Seems you've been having the same lack of modelling time as me. At least your still getting bits done here and there. Certainly an impressive rake of MGR's you've got now and some nice traction to match. All the best mate. Cheers Marcus
  10. Thanks Andi. Apart from the weathering being a bit OTT they're a lovely model. Just need to get some limestone from somewhere now to fill them. Pity I don't sign as far as Peak Forest as I could get some of the real stuff. HaHa.
  11. Although spent most of the day in the kitchen yesterday preparing food for tonight's bonfire party I did manage to make and fit the rest of the Windows to the office building. A couple of pics below And finally, these little beauties turned up yesterday as well. We used to use these quite regularly on a Tunstead to Small Heath working so will fit nicely when running PDW in current era. A picture of the actual train after I had just run the loco round in Tyseley yard prior to heading back to Small Heath. Off out in the garden now to set up ready for tonight. Fingers crossed for some decent weather. Cheers for now. Marcus
  12. Many thanks Alain. Been nice to get on with some modelling the last few days. Was very impressed with how your layouts progressing after catching up on your thread yesterday. Cheers Marcus
  13. The biggest difference which affects the traction was changing the generator for an alternator and the electrical grubbins associated with it. With the refurbished examples, although totally unprofessional, you could just wind the loco wide open from a standing start. The updated electronics would eventually sort themselves out and keep the loco going. If you tried doing this with a standard 37 fitted with a generator then you would end up overloading it and probably encounter quite a few bangs and flashes in the process. Worse case scenario would be flashing over the generator. When you've got a refurbished loco in multiple with a standard example, and your driving from the refurbished loco, you need to be quite careful so as not to overload the rear one. A driver relies on his ammeter in the cab to see when he is getting to the limit of overloading. Obviously with the loco on the rear you can't see the ammeter so don't really have any idea how far to push that loco. Hopefully that makes sense. Cheers Marcus
  14. It's an old railway term for pulling away. Being a driver I still use it occasionally . As an example " the loco managed to lift 22 wagons out of the quarry on a greasy rail". I should imagine the instantors broke as the train pulled away out of Tunstead as there was a fair amount of snatching as the locos struggled to find their feet. Used to be very entertaining watching a pair of 37s on these trains on a wet rail. Especially if they wouldn't talk to each other properly through the multiple working. One would slip whilst the other would find grip then vice versa. Seeing a refurbished 37 paired up with a standard 37 was always good for a bit of un synchronised thrash.
  15. Hi Alain Just been catching up on your thread and WOW you have been busy. Love the look of the new layout with the different modules and all superbly modelled. My particular favourite is the timber sidings with the fishing boat and the light house. Just oozes that Western Highlands feeling. Very tranquil and peaceful. Excellent work as always mate. All the best Cheers Marcus
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