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Hmm, I can not believe that I haven't posted anything on here since July!! Then again, I haven't done too much work on Newton Grove in that time - until this week that is. I've been busy painting figures for the layout. Some of these are from ModelU which are just amazing! I've also made a good start on finishing the roof of the shed. This has been a major obstacle to me as I don't have an engineering/DIY/builders mind. However, so long as it looks right when its finished; that's the main thing!


So here is a photo, showing the start on the roof.




And here is a shot showing some of the figures recently painted.




I've also started to weather 46443, but more photos will follow soon :)

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Today I started to work on the pelmet/display of the layout. I have always had the vision of a 'wide screen' feel to how it is displayed, as I think it really draws your eyes into the layout a lot more and it forces you to look at things from a 'model eye level'.


Here are some photos showing the start of the work.










I would like to thank my father for his help in cutting the ply to shape. It's a 2 person job and his assistance was fantastic. I've used 6mm marine ply so that it does not flex/warp. It is strong and durable and I'm sure it will do a brilliant job. Once it's painted black and the NEWTON GROVE 19F sign goes up, it will look mint!


The part behind the road bridge, the very big blank section - this will eventually have photographs of Rose Grove shed, so when I take the layout to exhibitions people can see what the real MDP looked like and compare it to Newton Grove.

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The frame around the layout is great. But I don’t think it’ll be nice in black, it’ll be terribly overpowering. I’d suggest a dark wood stain & varnish. If that doesn’t work for you, you can overpaint, but beware black!




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The frame around the layout is great. But I don’t think it’ll be nice in black, it’ll be terribly overpowering. I’d suggest a dark wood stain & varnish. If that doesn’t work for you, you can overpaint, but beware black!





Hi Simon,


Thank you for the advice, however it's very hard to convince a photographer about these kinds of things. With some of my printed photos I usually put a black border around them, as it forces your eye into the picture to look at the details. The same logic applies with Newton Grove - if the pelmet is black, then it will force people to look into the colour and detail of the model.


Thank you for the advice though. I do appreciate it :)

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Hi Newtz,


Fantastically atmospheric photography!


I too think black might be too black, but I would've suggested a very dark blue or purple--something that looks black but isn't. I've also seen versions of 'go away green' used, which seems to work nicely for both viewing and photography. (Varnished wood strikes me as a bit tacky and dated.)



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Adding some detail beyond the bridge. This will help with a focal point when viewing the layout when the pelmet goes up. Eventually the cutting will be finished and I might even put a low relief building on top of it too; maybe even on OO to give it more perspective.





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Difficult decision on the surround - I think only you can make the call.  The black might have it. Reckon it'll look great whatever you go for.




Thank you for these mock ups Osgood. They are very useful and really help to bring everything into perspective  :) 

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Thank you for these mock ups Osgood. They are very useful and really help to bring everything into perspective  :)


Playing around with Photoshop - I might even go for this:




That way the Midland Region red gets used but there is also enough black to draw your eyes in to the layout.

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I've ordered myself a low relief northern light warehouse from Skytrex in 00 gauge. This will become a focal point, beyond the road bridge and hopefully will complete that end of the layout perfectly.



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  • 2 months later...

I spent two weeks in the UK for Christmas/New Year. While I was there I purchased one of the beautiful Dapol Jinty locomotives. Sadly the shop didn't have one with no numbers and a late BR crest, so I purchased this one here.




When I came back home to Melbourne I removed the BRITISH RAILWAYS from both sides. I did this using a sharp knife. Yeah, yeah I could have softened the decals and removed them more easily however the loco will be weathered later so all the scratch marks will go away.




The tanks were then painted black and a late BR crest and bunker numbers were added. (Lines under numbers were removed when dry)




I'm just getting the smoke box number plates done and then I'll attack the weathering. The plates I have are from Severn Mill and while the quality is great they are a pain in the ass to paint! Well, the numbers anyway. Therefore I'm just leaving them all black and the weathering will highlight them later.

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Here is the progress so far on the 00 low relief factory building. All the brickwork and weathering so far has been created using pencils. Weathering powder will be used to finish the model off when completed.



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.... All the brickwork and weathering so far has been created using pencils. Weathering powder will be used to finish the model off when completed.


Interesting. Maybe I've led a sheltered life but the use of pencils is new to me.  I guess after weathering powders you'll seal the lot with a coat of something?

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  • 1 month later...

Interesting. Maybe I've led a sheltered life but the use of pencils is new to me.  I guess after weathering powders you'll seal the lot with a coat of something?


Hi Osgood,


I've never used colour pencils before either, however it's good to experiment. So far the results have been very pleasing and when it comes to weathering more with powders I'm sure the final results will look great :)

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