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Upload pictures on ipad

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes the ipad will take photos of 2-5 Mb so resize them by emailing them to yourself. When you hit send it will give you options and go for something around 200kb or less. Open the mail and hold on the photo to save it. They will appear as the latest in your album and post as before


You can select up to 5 photos at a time in the album view to mail, any more than that and the icon goes away! But you can add more once the email view is up by holding until the select bar comes up then selecting the arrow at the right hand end. ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

I take a photo (screenshot) of the chosen photo (>1Mb) and then crop it using the iPad software, it always is then small enough and at sufficient resolution to upload to RMWeb. I find it the quickest and easiest way.

Screenshot is simultaneously pressing the bottom home button and on off switch on top right of the iPad.


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