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Evening everyone,


Well it's slowly coming warmer now that spring has arrived which does tend to always cheer everyone's spirits.

Life continues sedately here at Berry Pomeroy with the odd development here and there every so often. Lately I acquired some fresh models and small detailing kits from the Dart Castings and Monty's Models range as they are so wonderfully detailed and are such a joy to paint on a lazy, quiet afternoon. Perfect for when someone has switched the rain on and the sun off and outdoor persuits are a no-go for the day.


Here we have one example:

Alf Springton sets to tending his gorgeous cauliflowers in the allotment on a warm and sunny afternoon. They'll soon be ready for pulling up and taking back to Mrs Springton for use in the kitchen.




Personally, I am no expert gardener but having a garden/allotment next to the railway can only be a good thing, right? Not sure how much gardening gets done by Alf on a daily or weekly basis if he pauses to watch a spot of shunting going on? Perhaps a couple of those cauliflowers may go to the station buffet? Now there's a thought...


Enjoy your relaxing time, everyone.

Chris :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,


This week has seen some wagon activity at Berry Pomeroy with the completion of a couple of lovely wagon loads: a cable drum on a 1 plank and also a few detailing bits and bobs to a couple of container wagons too.

I really do like Bachmann wagons as they allow for endless opportunities for extra added detail and weathering. In particular, I have a fondness for adding extra detailing bits such as chains to secure the containers to their wagons just as was done back in the day. It's extra little things like this that I tend to notice at exhibitions on other layouts and also that people comment on when my wagons are out on show at exhibitions too.


Anyway, here are a few recent images to detour on a couple of different subjects:


Someone recently asked me about signage for station buildings. Apart from the lovely poster boards which are widely available I wanted some GWR style cast iron ones to fit underneath the canopy. Not the greatest of photos as the camera angle is rather tricky, but these do look nice, even if I only get to appreciate them during an operating session.




Now, I don't normally model animals as such but I thought that a little touch of nature would add to the enjoyment of spotting things on the layout. I do like little cameo type scenes. These badgers were such a joy to paint and they do look lovely tucked away in a little dip in one of the fields.



Finally, I like long shots such as this one. Not perfect by any means, but it just highlights the scene on a warm summer's day waiting for the next arrival from down the branch.




Happy modelling,

Chris :)

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It's all good, but those badgers are rather special!


Thank you for your kind words, Edwardian :) Yes indeed, they are a great touch and they add a nice touch to the scenery. Always interesting and amusing to see who can spot little scenes such as these on the layout.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Evening everyone,


The figure painting continues here at Berry Pomeroy and what a joy they are to paint. I always love these Dart Castings figures!

Here are a couple of shots of a little cameo scene in the yard after painting and positioning on the layout.


In between trains, Bill and Neil catch twenty minutes to sup some proper beltin' tea and have a natter in the yard. Just a drop of milk and leave bag in't flask as it's better when it's strong after doin' some 'ard graft.





Meanwhile, ex GWR 57xx pannier tank, 7739, slumbers inside the shed.




Finally, in previous posts on Berry Pomeroy's thread I may have mentioned my recently established model railway shop business. Well, this has been up and running for some time now and we specialise in the sale of detailing accessories and kits, some of which I have utilied here on Berry Pomeroy. If you are interested then check out our shop website: https://northwesternmodels.co.uk/


Enjoy the rest of the bank holiday weekend,

Chris :)


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Hello everyone,


This week has seen some wagon activity at Berry Pomeroy with the completion of a couple of lovely wagon loads: a cable drum on a 1 plank and also a few detailing bits and bobs to a couple of container wagons too.

I really do like Bachmann wagons as they allow for endless opportunities for extra added detail and weathering. In particular, I have a fondness for adding extra detailing bits such as chains to secure the containers to their wagons just as was done back in the day. It's extra little things like this that I tend to notice at exhibitions on other layouts and also that people comment on when my wagons are out on show at exhibitions too.


Anyway, here are a few recent images to detour on a couple of different subjects:


Someone recently asked me about signage for station buildings. Apart from the lovely poster boards which are widely available I wanted some GWR style cast iron ones to fit underneath the canopy. Not the greatest of photos as the camera angle is rather tricky, but these do look nice, even if I only get to appreciate them during an operating session.




Now, I don't normally model animals as such but I thought that a little touch of nature would add to the enjoyment of spotting things on the layout. I do like little cameo type scenes. These badgers were such a joy to paint and they do look lovely tucked away in a little dip in one of the fields.



Finally, I like long shots such as this one. Not perfect by any means, but it just highlights the scene on a warm summer's day waiting for the next arrival from down the branch.




Happy modelling,

Chris :)


Hey Chris- enjoying the details you are now adding. Really like the third photo...beautiful essay in a quiet, lazy branch station...superb.


regards, Andy R

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Hey Chris- enjoying the details you are now adding. Really like the third photo...beautiful essay in a quiet, lazy branch station...superb.


regards, Andy R

Hi Andy,


Many thanks indeed for your kind comments here. I was actually a bit unsure as to whether to alter the third photo of the loco in the shed to black and white but I think a splash of colour adds nicely here.


Best wishes,


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Try a B & W as well.


Thanks Andy,

As requested I have had a little play around this evening and here is the result. I'm no expert (yet) on photography on the PC and the enhancements with it but it does certainly add a depth and atmosphere to the shot.




I rather like one of the signal box too. This is an older shot before the siganlman figure was installed on the balcony, however, for now let's just say that he's nipped back inside to fetch his paper? :)




Thanks again,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Afternoon everyone,


After some time, I have finally remembered to photograph the two chaps hard at work bagging up the coal from the coal bunkers in the yard. I do like little scenes such as this, especially when I catch a glimpse of them during running sessions.






Using real coal always helps as well...even some from the tender of Dinmore Manor. Long story!


Now, we don't have many diesel visitors down the branch here at BP, however, this morning saw the arrival of Class 22 D6311 in a light grimy condition with the pick up goods. Here she is just peeping out under the road bridge at the fiddle yard entrance whilst doing some shunting in and around the yard.




Such a lovely, smooth runner as always. I tend to forget her somewhat which is rather naughty of me.


Chris :)

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Hello again to all,


It's getting to that time of year again when the exhibition season is drawing to a close for summer and modelling in general tends to become somewhat sidelined in favour of outdoor persuits.


Which got me thinking...and painting recently...


These two beauties are not for use here on Berry Pomeroy, they are for the other shunting puzzle layout, Rhyn Exchange. But, they were just such fun to paint up. I will admit that reference notes and images are always used when I'm painting. I mean, you have to get these things right.


It's a pity really that Berry Pomeroy doesn't have a small lake, canal or river flowing nearby (well, let's just say that the river Dart isn't too far away. Yes, that'll do).






Still, these two did get plenty of notice, comments and pointing fingers towards them during a recent exhibition. Job done!


Chris :)

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What a Great layout I'm using the operation build it track plan for my NSE layout.

And a smaller layout for my planned WR/GWR stock. Seeing your layout I wish I had done it the other way around. Who make the GWR benches as I like the look of them.


Regards Mark

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What a Great layout I'm using the operation build it track plan for my NSE layout.

And a smaller layout for my planned WR/GWR stock. Seeing your layout I wish I had done it the other way around. Who make the GWR benches as I like the look of them.


Regards Mark


Hi Mark,


Thank you very much for your kind comments. I found the plan for the operation build it a great challenge to model with detail differences and it has worked out a treat. It certainly keeps me entertained!

As for the benches, they are laser cut wooden designs with separate GWR roundels for you to stick on. You can construct them as single or double sided types depending on your platforms. I have my own model railway shop with my partner as we specialise in selling detailing accessories and high quality building kits and we definitely do sell these GWR benches as part of our range and pretty cheap too! :)

Here's the link if you fancy having a look for yourself: https://northwesternmodels.co.uk/products/00-gauge/gwr-benches/


Thanks again,

Chris :)

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Hello everyone,


I hope the bank holiday weather was good for you in whichever part of our glorious country, or even the world, you are visiting Berry Pomeroy from.


Whilst I am on this subject, someone asked me via a message not too long ago about the 'plot' or synopsis around the layout and its location. Well, for those who are unfamiliar, Berry Pomeroy is a real place. It is a small village located in the South Hams district of Devon and is situated in between the gorgeous town of Totnes and the Riviera resorts of Paignton, Torquay, Goodrington Sands etc. Berry Pomeroy was never lucky enough to have its own branch line but here it does and it is a short one from Totnes station. Berry Pomeroy is most famous for its castle and mansion house which is reputed to be rather haunted. If you do happen to be a fellow GWR fan, Castle class No. 5012 took its name from this famous building.


If any fellow modellers have any further info on the castle, area or loco then I'd love to chat with you.


Now, after a brief historical interlude, we have some new additions to the allotment here on the layout. It seems as if the gardners indulge in a little rest and relaxation in between duties. Currently, they must be either busy tending to the veg or sunflowers or else a train has arrived and they're busy watching movements. Either way, these lovely deckchairs do look the part!








I took a rather nice, up close shot of some wagons too the other day. I have to say that they came out superbly and really do show up the details well. I particularly like this one with the poster details and light weathering to effect in between the other yard furniture.





Chris :)

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It's a pity really that Berry Pomeroy doesn't have a small lake, canal or river flowing nearby (well, let's just say that the river Dart isn't too far away. Yes, that'll do).





There is a stream and some lakes on the other side of the hill behind the castle.

Edited by HSB
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There is a stream and some lakes on the other side of the hill behind the castle.


Thank you, Howard. The stream and lakes will be perfect for the two swans :)




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Really nice detailing there Chris. The deck chairs are especially good.


Cheers, Les


Thank you, Les.

They really do suit the allotment well and are an eye catching feature.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Evening everyone,


Well, the good weather hasn't lasted up to now. Unless it has in your part of the country/world?

It has been pretty miserable here in Wigan for the past few days. Unlike on Berry Pomeroy in the South Hams district of beautiful Devon. Jealous!




The mail is all bagged up and waiting the 18:15 departure down to Harbourton General.




Some repainting has taken place to the lovely pagoda shelter at the end of the platform nearest the buffer stops. I very much like these qwerky buildings on the GWR system.




Sam, the station cat, seems to have the right idea in the afternoon sun awaiting for the next arrival to disturb his slumber.




Meanwhile, in the low afternoon/evening sun, a friendly natter is underway between the stationmaster and porter. Perhaps discussing the next arrival and loading of the mailbags?








Possibly off out for the evening, Mr and Mrs Farthington await their train. It seems Mrs Farthington's trip into town earlier in the week was fruitful in purchasing a new hat for herself.


Enjoy your modelling and relaxing time,

Chris :)


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Super shots Chris, love the little details.

Thanks Andy.

I love the detailing too. I enjoy taking some shots of the detailing aspects of the layout, they do tell stories in their own right :)



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You are most certainly getting into the finer details, I am a bit away from that stage.

The deck chairs reminded me of one of our trips home and seeing two holidaymakers sitting in deck chairs complete with picnic hamper on top of the Bluff at Penarth near Cardiff ( My wife's hometown ) Thing was they were facing out towards the Severn estuary but between them and the water about 6' from them was an 8' high hedge!

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