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8F with WD wheels.


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I know, it's probably easier to find a needle in a hay-stack, and I thought I might get more attention here than in the Classified-Wanted list. But I'm in the middle of my latest project, a model of 8F 48169 as it was between 1955 & 1961, which means it running on WD driving wheels, so I've got this loco body, and tender of a Hornby 8F, and a somewhat battle worn Bachmann WD with a decent chassis - so another oddity begins to take shape. Now I'm after any pics, or copies of pics, of 48169 during that period. Yes I know there are slight differences in wheel spacings, but not big enough to make it that noticeable.

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Hi, I looked at this 8F out of interest some time ago and did some research which I've just looked out. It was noted that in 1947 8169 had wheels that 'resembled' WD wheels and were possibly in regard to balancing trials, (some info in the Wild Swan 'Locomotive Profiles' on the 8F). The wheels are slightly different from WD ones regarding the size and shape of the holes, at layout distance one wouldn't spot it but the balance weights which were cast in were different and had holes drilled in them which were variously filled with lead. These wheelsets later appeared on 48403 around 1962 till withdrawal. Also see second picture which is of 48403 and clearly showing a different very odd shape driven wheel balance weight.....(balancing trials?)

As mentioned, the other odd thing was the pony truck wheel which was, IIRC quite unique being cast with webbed spokes.

I did wonder whether these wheelsets were cast iron as opposed to steel as per the WD 1st,2nd and 4th drivers hence the webbed spokes for strength, a possibility being just after WW2.


Hope that helps


Dave Franks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks for your help, each, and all, just to let you know, the chassis from a s/h WD became this;-




which went under this;-




yet to finish the detailing, still with a temporary loco to tender coupling, and to test run on the layout, which will allow a finished coupling to be fitted to suit. 



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Hi Paul, looks the part with the double slide bars and all.

One thing I forgot to mention which doesn't look too bad on your version is the shorter wheelbase of the WD in relation to the 8F, only 4mm though.

Only remembered yesterday as I was checking my CAD drawings of the coupling rods for the WD and the 8F which are going to the etchers this week. The rods are very similar apart from the wheelbase.


All the best,

Dave Franks


Just read your original post and you mention the wheelbase, sorry, must re-read other peoples posts before answering.

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