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4mm Engines & Drive Parts

Pete Harvey

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Received the FUD versions of the Paxman Valenta and the Class 47 gearboxes in the post today fantastic quality and wonder full models will give them a good clean and coat of primer before taking a picture

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A couple of weeks ago a customer asked me if I could have a Valenta and two class 47 Sulzer engines produced for him in White strong so he sent me the money and I did they arrived this morning.


The Valenta first.


















Now the first Sulzer.










And the second.
















Now there is something different about the second Sulzer. :sorry_mini:













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  • 2 months later...



I sprayed the parts

I had a bit of an issue with the primer not adhering properly but I used a small wire brush and carefully brushed off the firs application of primer the second coat adhered properly.

I washed the parts before spraying

looking on the net there seems to be an issue with the residue from the printing process.


They are superb models

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I have found with FUD & FED fairly warm water and old tooth brush and a few drops of Lanolin Free Detergent that is most important it must be Lanolin Free and then leave the parts to dry then prime with acid etch primer and leave to dry for 24hrs before touching the parts I have never had any problems with paint adhering with either material.


I hope this helps?



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I've sprayed the first coat of mine in Halfords White primer (already had this) and all ok. Have since added a couple of coats of acrylic paint by hand and starting to look more like the real thing.


Cracking little pieces..... can't wait to get one of them hanging out of my withdrawn 47 in the lifting shed!

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  • 3 weeks later...



Forgive me - I'm new to this posting business but I just thought I would get involved and share my recent experiences with the Shapeways (PH designs) engines. I saw a reference to them in the recent Model Rail magazine article 'build your dream depot' so I Googled for more info which brought me to this forum thread and also to the Shapeways website. Although my own depot layout is early 1970s Western region I do have a couple of Peaks so thought a 12LDA28 could be a convincing thing to have on site. The purists may tell me that it's not quite right but its OK with me in my world.


I used PayPal when I placed my order and had no issues whatsoever. I don't believe it even offered me the 'print it now' option that has been mentioned. I was notified a couple of days later that my order was going to be delayed by a couple of days but then in what seemed like no time it arrived - and very well packed too.


Having looked back at the various posts I made sure to clean it well - I used lots of water and a teeny bit of flash and rinsed thoroughly afterwards - I then allowed it to dry completely and later painted it with a standard grey aerosol primer. I have had no problems about the paint adhering so all went well. I found a couple of pictures of the real thing on the internet and then mixed some enamel Humbrol paints to give me a faded and aged finish(a sort of green/grey/blue concoction) which I sprayed on with an air brush. The pipes on the end were then hand touched using a faded orange (orange and white mixed) to replicate what I had seen in the pictures. Once finished and dry I went to work with some dark wash as well as some oil and grease stain - both from MIG.


I am happy with the results and have for the moment sat it on some sleepers atop a Lowmac wagon. I am not sure if it will stay there and get chained on, end up grounded in the yard or end up inside my main shed ( a bit of a waste there though if it can't be seen easily and shown off!).


So I had an easy and enjoyable time achieving this with no problems for me I am happy to say, unless of course all the paint now falls off - but I doubt it. Anyway I thought I would share a couple of pictures of my results.


Hope this is of interest.




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Here are some pictures of an engine I had printed in FUD for a customer he asked me to prime it for him as well.


Pre Washing:












After a Wash in an Ultrasonic Bath very Warm Water with a couple of drops of Lanolin Free Soap:












And finally after a couple of coats of Acid Etch Primer:












Now all the customer has to do if give it a coat of Sulzer Duck Egg Blue and it's ready  for some weathering.



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  • 4 months later...

Here is another engine I have been working on.










It could be used I guess for either 57, 66, or 67 there maybe slight differences between the types but the basic is the same.


I have hear of one Class 37 operator looking at shoe horning one in a 37, no idea if that will ever be done though.



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In the late 1970s/early 1980s, I remember seeing big Sulzer diesels being carried on bogie well wagons and on Rectanks; when working near the line at Alsager, I remember a mid-afternoon working from Derby Loco to Crewe Works, conveying not just diesel engines but Stores Vans (like the Chivers' Finelines 6-wheel Fish Van)and smaller wagons with reconditioned bogies and similar. A few years later, I saw some of the same fleet working to Gateshead depot, where engine exchanges were carried out on the last Peaks.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...
On 31/03/2015 at 16:26, Pete Harvey said:

I would be happy to look at other engines and traction motors if modelers want them?


The book I have that has the drawing of the engine in it (Author O.S.Nock) references the engine and being used in the 47 and does not mention the 48 but some one I showed it to said "why have you done an engine for a 48" that's why it says "4mm Sulzer Class 47/48 Engine" but they are basically the same engine as far as I can find out just with a few more bits on the top & as I have said in the corner of a Depot or under a mucky tarp who will be that bothered, as it fits in with the location.



I saw somewhere not sure if it was this post or another several asked about the EE 6KT, i have some drawings that may be of use?

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