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Hi all,


Just dipped my toe in the the water re DCC - i.e. acquired a Bachmann EZ controller (cheapish) and chipped a couple of Farish diesels and Dapol diesels ( the former Bachmann decoders the latter Gaugemaster ones).


Immediately the problem is can't get any response from Dapol diesels with Gaugemaster decoders.


Any 'words of wisdom' appreciated.





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Another simple test to try, which works on all decoders, regardless of existing address, UNLESS they have been specifically DISABLED from working on dc (analogue) with part of CV29, is to simply hold a PP3 9V battery to the wheels - or to a short length of track on which the loco is standing: If the decoder is workable, the loco will move - turn the battery around, and it should move the other way.   It may NOT be an indication about lights or sound, ans this varies with decoder type, and the 'mode' they were left in, when last used on dcc_ eg lights on or off.

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Do  a Reset of the decoder, see what happens, this action should reset the decoder to Default 3.


Should also leave the decoder clean of any spurious entry's.


How do you do a reset, those decoders are set to 3 anyhow ?

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AFAIK I don't think you can programme/reset a DCC chip using a Bachmann EZ Command controller...


However, if do have the ability to reprogramme/reset a chip, I would suggest finding the helpsheet for that chip, which should tell you which CV you need to reset.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi all,


Thanks to those of you who responded to my original question.


Just wanted to share an update re, as a newbie, getting Farish and Dapol diesel n gauge locos to run using a Bachmann E-Z command control unit.


I've now got six locos running – 4 Farish using Bachmann 36-558A decoders, one Dapol using a Gaugemaster decoder and one Dapol using a Digitrax decoder.


Few questions/observations if I may:


Try as I might have not been able to get any of my 3 Dapol class 52 westerns or my class 22 to respond regardless of any of the above chips being installed in them.


The Dapol class 122 DMU using a Digitrax decoder has a light bar which has now ceased to function - initially when I programmed it it was working when I turned around a few minutes later it wasn't.


My Farish class 108 DMU trailing car does not respond to the F10 light function - rear lights and headed box are always on regardless of direction.

Also experienced this with a MK3 coach with a light bar installed. Are these being blown do you think? If so why?


I believe one of the two Gaugemaster decoders I purchased to be faulty - regardless of which loco it has been installed in there is no response. How do you test whether a decoder is functional or not?


If I can determine it is faulty for sure, then I would wish to return it to Gaugemaster for refund/replacement.


Lastly, I'm looking to chip my Dapol 57xx (first steamer) – as it is relatively small, which decoder(s) would be suitable?



many thanks



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I'd say half the problems come from using a Bachmann EZ controller.   Its a bad idea on N gauge - with the supplied power unit, the track voltage is stupidly high for N.   For other scales its not really up to much, being unable to set any CV values, or determine what's happening.


The specific problems -

  Have you put decoders in the coaches or the DMU trailing car ?   If not, then not surprising that they are not controlled by anything.

  Are you sure the decoders are inserted the correct way round ?  It matters on a 6-pin decoder as used in most N gauge items.  Putting the chip in backwards should not damage it (though the high track voltage from an EZ might).


Decoder testing.  Usually comes down to "can you read CVs from them ? "  (no you can't with an EZ), and having read values, tried a reset (not possible with an EZ), then does the decoder drive the loco ?  


I suggest that your next purchase is a better DCC system; something which can read back CV values.  Or, you become good friends with a local model shop who can read CV's, check installs, etc..

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I fully agree with Nigel about the main problem being with the EZ Controller.  I also have one, and you cant do a reset on a decoder unless you already know its address.  Having played around with the EZ Controller, I then purchased a NCE system which is far superior, and can do everything you need.


Further to Nigel's advice, you may also get some good advice and help if you are a member of a model rail club.  If you are lucky, they might have a DCC system capable of sorting your remaining problems.

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Thanks for your kindly responses.


I think I'm going to purchase an NCE Power Cab.


I have noticed that  Wickness Models do an NCE Power Cab Plus which includes a USB Computer Interface plus Loconet Extension Cable allowing you to program decoders,
operate software throttles (or even wireless handsets via JMRI), control points and signals.




many thanks



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PowerCab is fine as a system.   However, a comment on the Wickness website description.... the 7ft long cable is the same cable/connection as used in LocoNet, but NCE systems do NOT talk LocoNet.  So, you can't use the NCE system for LocoNet devices(*).      



Other retailers offer the same system (PowerCab which includes the 7ft cable mentioned), and USB interface for similar sums, or even slightly less.



For what you've talked about so far, LocoNet isn't a consideration. 




(* well, you can, but it requires building a stand alone LocoNet, and bridging the two systems, usually at the computer with two interfaces).



- Nigel

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Well this gives me confidence as I too am about to dip my toe into the DCC water in N and have a lot of Dapol so I need something solid to begin with - Powercab it will be.


Is there anything special to look out for, seen concerns that some people who sell the Powercab don't use a proper UK specification plug/transformer - how do I tell who has the right one.

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The Coastal DCC NCE Power Cab I just ordered specifically states – UK Power Supply - Not just an adapter






Well this gives me confidence as I too am about to dip my toe into the DCC water in N and have a lot of Dapol so I need something solid to begin with - Powercab it will be.


Is there anything special to look out for, seen concerns that some people who sell the Powercab don't use a proper UK specification plug/transformer - how do I tell who has the right one.

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