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Britmod-OO Challenge entry - Norden Junction & Branch


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  • RMweb Gold

These modules will connect to my small portable Southern branch station Lulworth Castle to allow it to be used at Britmod meets.

First off here are the modules making up the branch, the 6ft of Lulworth is already sceniced, (I won't say finished yet), and the modules are basically this from top to bottom of the picture:-


Lulworth Branch - two small adaptor boards that bring the width down to 6 inches wide. The reason is that I can fit a lot more mileage in on the straights, an extra 66%, in the same space in the car. This will allow more run initially and there's no reason they can't be extended later to full width modules once the syatem is established and more members involved.


Lulworth Castle adapter - A short two foot adaptor that along with leg extensions means virtually anyone can adapt an existing portable layout to join in.


Norden Junction - single track branch junction with signalbox and protecting signals so it can act as a block post as well to allow more trains to run following each other.





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You could very easily add a curve somewhere in the "thin section" which could then help with the angle of the "branch" coming out.  Something like a 45 degree to turn it into a parallel or 90 degrees to main should work very well I think.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes I've got drawings done but not tempting fate by committing them yet ;) if we are desperately short I have 2 45degree corner boards in the US specification but I'd have to check what would fit in as they are full width.

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Electrically, as long as the board is compatible, it doesn't really matter what the scenery is on them particularly if they're "emergency boards".  Are they fairly nondescript and could pass as UK or do they have lots of Americanisms on them?

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  • RMweb Gold

Ok nothing to show but I've worked out the cutting plan to get all the extra boards out if a 8x4 sheet. Just need a trip to B&Q's big saw table and some softwood for legs etc.


Heres what a curve might do too ;)



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

The scenic bit of Lulworth now adapted to separate the accessory bus from the track so at the flick of a switch they are powered independently.



The boot is piled with a load of 9mm ply just waiting for a delivery of a new toy to simplify chopping up the bits ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Redesigned the control panel image to make it less cluttered for use at the meet for people not familiar with the layout.


All you will have to do is tap the green point symbol to change the points, the crossovers only show one point but will change both ends.




Does that look self explanatory to everyone?

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The intention is that we'll all get a chance to "play" on each bit during the day.


At the moment there are 9 of us.


There's the following "bits" that will require signalmen (don't forget the "signals" I have created...):


- Return to Sender

- Shillingstone

- Lulworth Castle

- Hailsham

- the "junction bit in the middle"


In theory there is the possibility of three or four trains "in motion" at any given time - and I would guess that the next person to take a train out of the fiddle yard would also be responsible for ensuring the road is set for the next incoming train then setting the road to take their train out - which leaves a clear road for the next incoming train.  Rinse repeat.

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh and this beauty turned up this morning :) no longer tied to a massive extension lead so I can work down at the garage quicker ;)


18v of power saw wood chewing mayhem.



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