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Duration of sounds on V4 Decoder


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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Bill


Depends on the sound file


Some eg Howes have fixed horn sounds whereas others eg Legobiffoman are playable dependant on how long you hold down the function button


Hope that helps



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Hi Phil,

It is one of biffs 37's that I want to alter which is playable but holding the button less or more is not what I am looking for. Instead of a ' blast ' I want a ' toot ' if that makes sense.

Maybe if you are looking in biff you could advise.


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No Phil - not whilst its on F2. Would really like to find out if this is possible as at the moment even pressing F2 lightly and quickly it's still to long for my requirement.


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  • RMweb Gold

Ok Bill sounds like its a sound file issue - based on my level of knowledge you would need to get the sound file changed to achieve what you want then



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No Phil - not whilst its on F2. Would really like to find out if this is possible as at the moment even pressing F2 lightly and quickly it's still to long for my requirement.



Playable whistles or horns involves using three sound files in which the opening and closing files will probably be about a second or slightly less and the 'mid' file will be a chop of a  continuous note which is played on a loop whilst F2 is depressed. Not an easy task to get it so that it is seamless and plays right under all circumstances.


What you want is that short toot that a driver uses to attract attention in the yard. For best results that will need to be a separate file playable on any function except F2 and that, if all the functions are in use, there will be loss of the sound allocated to that function. Strangely the 'toot' sound file could well be slightly longer than the aggregate on F2 but the effect is masked by the silence on each end.


If Biff has such a file your decoder will require a re-blow. Also remember to switch the function off after use.

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Dave, you got it - thats excactly what I'm after and somehow didn't think it was that straightforward. Just want to have it different from all the others as there is a sameness about the horn sound and I suppose it's down to the recording at the time.


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  • Trade Member

Which 37 is it Bill? All of my Class 37 horns are playable, and capable of very short toots. On momentary controllers simply press the f key briefly. On latched controllers press the f ley twice in quick sucession.


It does take a bit of programming effort to achieve this but the results are well worth it.



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Hi bif - thanks for your response. I have both your West Highland version and your standard 37/4.

I did pose this question to you at Glasgow in Feb - it was me who prompted you to do the re-blows which set you off on a search for a bit of track and croc clips - well I ask you !

Anyway, you gave the horn a quick blast but I didn't know how you did it only for you to do it again! Explain please as I would really like a ' toot '


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  • Trade Member

Both of those projects are capable of very short toots on all four tones (high and low going forward, high and low in reverse). I'm wondering if your controller might be the limiting factor if they are still too long. Which one are you using?



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The controller may well be the limiting factor.


Using a Lenz 100 and Bif's std and WH 37/4's with keys F2 & 3 set to momentary action, short "toots" (different sound depending on direction) are possible on both if you just touch the key, the duration of the horn dependent on how long you hold the key down.


On the other hand It's not quite so easy using my Roco Multimaus, with it you have to press on press off as quickly as possible to get a shortish "toot"

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