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The method to the madness!



A few people have asked how the overgrown line was created so here goes!


First the line was sprayed using Railmatch Frame Dirt and the rails painted with a rust colour. I used a slightly redder colour for the older lines than the mainline to differentiate between the two.




The line is then ballasted, with the scenic disused line done using Woodland Scenics fine brown. The still used older line is ballasted using a mix of the brown and fine buff to give some contrast between the two. I haven't deep ballasted the line to allow light between the bottom of the rail and the top of the ballast.




The ballast is then fixed using Johnson's Kleer floor polish. I've used this for years to provide a glossy base for decals, but it never occurred to me to use it for ballasting until I read it on RMweb. I won't ever go back to PVA now. I apply the kleer using the end of an old paint brush, although a pipette would do the job just as well. It seems to flow between the granules much easier than a water/PVA mix so doesn't displace your nicely sculptured ballast or scatter it all over the sleepers!




The grass is applied whilst the Kleer is still wet as this provides adequate adhesive. A lump of the Woodland Scenics field grass is grabbed between finger & thumb then cut off with sharp scissors. I try and keep the grass in the packet to avoid it being scattered all over the place! The strands are then dropped onto the ballast in a random fashion, but taking care to avoid the running rails if the line is to be used. For a less over grown look just drop fewer strands over a wider area.




Once the Kleer has set, any strands of grass too long can be trimmed down to size and for variation a different colour of grass could also be used.




It's really very easy to do and hopefully the result is worth it. The same method can be used for any scale.




Hopefully this helps someone!






Recommended Comments

Thanks for that- I've looked through your blogs and been very impressed with the whole thing- certainly miles away from Peco track and GF steamroller wheels. The Noch leaves are most effective- I got some a couple of weeks ago and was very taken with them in the packet, but to see them in use is most impressive.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good post Tom and thanks for sharing - very informative - never knew about the Johnson's Kleer but for sure it will be hard to source that here in Spain and am already looking forward to justifying with customs why I am flying one of those back in my hand luggage next UK visit :rolleyes: the last photo is a cracker - Pete

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Wow, this topic has really given me some pointers for my future projects.

I am really impressed with the track that you are using. Do you know where I can find out more about it?



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  • RMweb Gold

Pete beat me to it!


As he says, the Easitrac is from the 2mm Scale Society, of which you need to be a member to purchase it. It is well worth it though as it blows the usual N gauge track out of the water in terms of appearance and can be joined to Peco stuff relatively easily. Just remember that older stock probably won't run on it that well, but the latest GF & Dapol products have no problems.







Wow, this topic has really given me some pointers for my future projects.

I am really impressed with the track that you are using. Do you know where I can find out more about it?



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  • RMweb Gold

Just remember that older stock probably won't run on it that well, but the latest GF & Dapol products have no problems.


Good point that Tom. I noticed earlier this week that on my boxfile layout I pushed the 'out of the box' Dapol 156 through the almost completed EASITRAC turnout without any problems which might mean I don't need to rewheel it immediately.

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Loving this!


What colour field grass did you use?


Also a question on the easitrac - does the stock need to be rewheeled - gauge wise or is it just because of flanges??



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Russell.


I used light green field grass with the occasional clump of dark green to give some variation.


Any Dapol and any Graham Farish post Bachmann take-over will run on the plain easitrack without the need to re-wheel, but if you want to use the easitrack points you'll need to switch to 2mmFS or follow Graham's lead and adapt the points to a finer 'N gauge' standard. I've cheated a bit as this is my first time using the easitrack and haven't included any points on Scenic section.







Loving this!


What colour field grass did you use?


Also a question on the easitrac - does the stock need to be rewheeled - gauge wise or is it just because of flanges??



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