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Everything posted by dana

  1. Came across three guage 1 goods trucks by c butcher & co probly 1 guage . Metal trucks 'axles and buffers wooden under frame . And buffers . Any info out there on this company ?
  2. Jaz re army figures how about royal marines instead 70's DR who version of royal marines found on youtube blue shirts etc (including retro looking suit for female co star ) http://ianmaw.smugmug.com/Hovercraft-Museum-SRN5-Sept/ I think this is the type of craft use in the the show for the beach front landing
  3. Jaz and kal we do have this type of white bear as well besides the polar, grizzly and black bear http://www.bearsoftheworld.net/kermode_bears.asp Plus it looks like they need-one of these at AV for boo boo and yogi and to protect the public from them
  4. Happy birthday jazz, hope your family treats u well on your birthday as mine did . my eight month old neice bought me lovely train tuff for her uncle ( thats the excuse i used when i went to england and purchesed stuff ). i think mum was releaved when her mum said that her brother was using the baby for an excuse but she did buy me an subscripition online so i guess ilka (my neice )got the hint or mummy and daddy did for Christmas .
  5. have you seen this youtube video on living in a city from 1968 ( city planing etc) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMamOIdcS9A
  6. modeling preserved railways in the beginning with closed or threatened stations , small engines and the odd coach or two, demolition trains trundling through from other parts of the country, first trains containing the local mayor and council plus other dignitary's ,WEEDY YARDS , ITEMS ARRIVING BY OFFICIAL MEANS OR THE BACK OF A LORRY ( SCRAP METAL THEFT WAS A PROBLEM BACK THEN TOO ACCORDING TO A LETTER WRITTEN IN THE RAILWAY MAGAZINE FROM 1971 Complaining OF THOSE PROFITING FROM STATIONS BEING CLOSED ) weathered hulks with x or condemned on them or save for xxx society or donated via holiday camps ( Butlin's etc ). This way engines like big Bertha had they lasted as long could be justified on a preserved layout .
  7. Saw the perfect tag for you jaz it said no limit tagger got the pic for you but it is on my camera so I have 2down load it on a pc
  8. Heres a paint patch created for the council district of Aboretum Valley :jester:Designed by Grumpy Old Git
  9. Then the AV district council keep getting complaints and so they start a anti graffi campain .
  10. http://www.britishtaxdiscs.co.uk/order-posters.php motorbike safety posters of 1950's ideal for the bike mechanics shop
  11. posibly going to france this year , is there a french equvilent of Modelzone there? if so what is the ratio of model trains to other hobby intrests are they all over france ?
  12. Makes sense we are posting about trees now after all isn't the word Aboretum mean woods in latin plant speak
  13. Kal and Jazz I'm sure your donkeys are well cared for but as a part of Cash for local action by the British government and the local council of ABV I'm sure a local donkey sanctuary could have a Donkey Inspector Safety&Health inspecting them with a van or car from the film set and save the Film Set guys problem . As for the inspector HE or She could be quite a dish
  14. prahaps this site will give you some inspiration on what qualifys as M.O.D ex-moduk.com/index.php paint schemes or equipment available to purchese from etc
  15. From Australia but the info might be useful for cuban sugar railway tourist passenger cars http://www.zelmeroz.com/album_model/basics/25_tourist.pdf http://www.ozbob.com/project3.html lots of info on sugar cane railway modeling http://www.zelmeroz.com/canesig/resources/resource-02hbk.html http://www.zelmeroz.com/album_model/basics/26_cubanloader.pdf http://www.zelmeroz.com/album_rail/ctn/ctn_07.pdf neat mechnical cane cutter at end of artical
  16. hot wheels cool classics seen at my local walmart for 3.92 canadian https://www.google.ca/search?q=hot+wheels+cool+classics+2013&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Y2h_UsziI-nDigLG7IHgDw&ved=0CFMQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=856 http://www.hotwheelscollectors.com/news/news.aspx?news_id=1553#.Un9pKnBJPTo Seen at wal mart and ToysRUS Don't know if this is any help to look for on ebay or amazon
  17. an aid to track planning US/Canada railroads Trains has a special mag out that's on railroad maps (city, area , system etc )of railroads in the us spanning various decades plus other info such as tonnage , types of frieght and abandoned routes . On sale til Oct 28th
  18. bit off topic but recent mini concept http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/car-manufacturers/mini/10191429/Minis-campervan-concepts.html love the fact that the mini camper trailer is called the cowley , would make original morris cowley owners cringe
  19. hi derek , i just found that a i had scanned a plan of AireValley No 105 from a old issue that i had got one day donkey's ages ago (pre joining Rm Web ) , Was wondering if i could have your permission to upload the plan for others to enjoy as well
  20. http://www.btphg.org.uk/?page_id=54&locale=en_US&wppa-album=10&wppa-occur=1&wppa-photo=298 It seams that the livery is correct as to the colours well im sure if you contact the british transport police heritage socitey about the colours in the photo then you can get the colours but other then that yes . and At the bottom of the photo Bingo 1980's
  21. The railway magazine December 1999 Readers forum ( in other words letters to the editor ) there's a pic of EX-GWR 57xx 0-6-0 PT no 7752 hualing the flying scotsman second tender along with a ex lms 2mt no4121 (cold) and a number of heritage coaches traveling to the Rail 150 calvacade in shildon 1975 . The Flying scotsman tender is in official blue & grey paint with the lettering Flying Scotsman Enterprises
  22. canadian pacific travel promo picture poster and frame with the location in brass label on frame . got it at the local thrift store and con vinced the old lady volunteer that it was 5 bucks verseious 20 $ as i was intrested in it and would go in skip otherwise if not sold for a long time and takeing space (sad but true with some thrift shops ). also a poster from expo 86 railway section .
  23. here's some links and info http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/gansg/9-loads/9-roadfarm.htm http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/gansg/9-loads/9-unusual.htm anyone heared of vickers vigor or seen one ? http://www.igg.org.uk/gansg/12-linind/v-plant.htm merry christmas
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