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The Badger

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Everything posted by The Badger

  1. I'd be inclined to agree here. There's not much mileage they can get out of the tooling either; it's a class of two with maybe 8 livery variations between them, and (collectors aside) not many people will buy (say) East Anglian in both LNER and BR livery, it'll likely be one or the other so limited scope for repeat purchasing.
  2. That NER version looks gorgeous.
  3. I have the lined version (4321), a nice model undoubtedly but as someone earlier pointed out, the crest on the tender is far too dark and the lining seems a bit indistinct - I would even go as far to say that Oxford did a better job with the livery on their Dean Goods a few years back. Given their excellent attempt at SECR green on the D class, it's a bit frustrating that they can't seem to get something so relatively simple as GWR lined green right.
  4. I've always loved the shape of the A4, and up to a few years ago I bought a lot of them. I tend to group them into 3 categories; the original release with tender drive and chunky valve gear (1), the 'halfway house' version with finer details but tender drive (2) and the modern SD version (3). That I can remember, I have these: LNER Silver: 2509 Silver Link (3), 2510 Quicksilver (2), 2511 Silver King (2), 2512 Silver Fox (1) LNER Garter Blue: 4483 Kingfisher (3), 4485 Kestrel (2), 4491 Commonwealth of Australia (3), 4498 Sir Nigel Gresley (3), 4462 Great Snipe (3), 4468 Mallard (2), 4500 Garganey (3), 4902 Seagull (1) LNER Apple Green: 4493 Woodcock LNER Wartime Black: 4466 Sir Ralph Wedgwood (2), 4901 Sir Charles Newton (3) BR Blue: 60024 Kingfisher (3), 60022 Mallard (1) BR Experimental 'Purple': 60027 Merlin (3), 60028 Walter K Whigham (1) BR Green: 60003 Andrew K McCosh (3), 60014 Silver Link (2), 60025 Falcon (3), 60010 Dominion of Canada (1), 60030 Golden Fleece (2), 60031 Golden Plover (1), 60019 Bittern [Double Tender] (3), 60020 Guillemot (3), 60021 Wild Swan (3)
  5. I reckon so. By my estimation the only two LNER-liveried B17s we've had since they re-tooled it were Sandringham and Kilverstone Hall. both of which had the short GE tender. It'd be quite nice to have a 'footballer' B17 in LNER livery at some point, but alas it would seem like Hornby just don't have enough apple green paint for the larger tender...
  6. As nice as it is to see the N15 as the Southern representative in the big four collection, it'd be nice to have seen a SR-liveried King Arthur that doesn't have a bogie tender... I'm pretty sure we've only ever seen one before, that being 797 'Sir Blamor de Ganis', which was in (I think) a set.
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