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Everything posted by Ashcombe

  1. I'm one of those weird people who enjoy ironing (no, don't send me any!) but dislike ironing shirts. In the bad old days of work, I would be seen ironing many a morning before it was light. Except, I woudn't have been seen as the rest of the family would have been asleep!
  2. Strangers in the Night - Frank Sinatra
  3. Misread that as dodgy videos!! Have now read DD's comment and realise it wasn't only me!
  4. Early start, 1216 025! Morning, everyone! Wish I wasn't awake at stupid o'clock, especially as no TIB or breakfast until after routine annual blood test to check cholesterol at 0930! A foggy one here.
  5. Yes, 'tis true. The Chickenpox virus lies dormant until something causes it to wake up! I hadn't realised that one could have Shingles more than once; since I've had it before (43 yrs ago!) I think this attack is less severe. Also, anti-viral tablets were not available then. Thanks to you and other ER's for kind thoughts.
  6. Didn't venture out yesterday although I'm starting to feel better. Keep taking the tablets! Weather was lovely too, so looking at the clear view to Dartmoor was therapeutic. Hope everyone has a good day!
  7. Good morning to all! Saturday still feels special even when one has retired. Starting to feel slightly stir crazy after three days enforced hibernation (GP's orders) so might have a little outing today! Woo! Enjoy whatever floats your boat!
  8. My Dad used to love to watch cricket being played on Forest Green.
  9. "Brief Encounter" is a beautiful film. Poignant, with many scenes at railway stations. To my shame I'm not sure about the background music. Happy memories of participation in Leith Hill Music Festival (1960-1963) whilst a pupil at Capel Primary School then at Dorking Grammar School. Also spent many good times climbing Leith Hill, inc the tower. Doubt if I'd manage the steps these days!
  10. Certainly different from the original! Brilliant guitarist who is not credited alongside the pianist and violinist.
  11. Good morning, all! (well, possibly only two at present!) Wet and windy night here. Another day "resting" at home (doc's orders) RM helps the day along especially the good folk on ER. Thanks, everyone! Have a good one, after all TGIF!
  12. A hairdressing salon in Bagnoles de l'Orne!
  13. Fine morning here, which will be good for O/H for visiting grumpy aunt in hospital in Glastonbury. I'm excused due to risk of her catching my lurgy due to compromised immunity. Have a good day, everyone!
  14. Followed by Wet, Wet, Wet?!
  15. Welcome back! We've missed you! Take care of yourself so that you stay well.
  16. Looks better than some back cloths we hired from professional companies when I belonged to Rugeley Musical Theatre Company in a past life! Happy memories of playing a Chinese policeman in "Aladdin" in 1998 as part of a double act with a very good friend. We were known as Inoyou and Unome!
  17. As you may imagine, not being in the first flush of .............. (insert appropriate word!) may be said of many of the residents of this area! Does the reference to scenery imply thespian involvement? Or was it MR track scenery?
  18. No, just a humble participant. It's a brilliant class run by a dynamic 67 year old lady who teaches routines in various styles: Greek, Scottish, Latin American, ballet, Country & Western, etc. Most of the members are 50+. Hope hospital visit goes well for Mrs. S.
  19. Pay Pal issue is concerning. Hope it's soon resolved, DD. Thank you to 1216 025 and Aberdare for your good wishes. Feels strange not to be up by now on a Wednesday in time for my Dance/Exercise Class. Hope Mrs A has a good day. Hard work being the carer, especially sans choc bickies! And a late good morning to all from a fairly sunny Torbay!
  20. Thanks to everyone for their thoughtful messages. What kind folk you are! I'm hoping that, as this bout of Shingles is only "partially erupted" (GP) and the second one, it won't be too severe. Nowadays, anti-viral drugs are prescribed to "mimimise the pain" (GP again!) At the moment I'm only cancelling engagements for this week (If that sounds like a bulletin from the Palace, well, I did once play the part of HRH in a panto some years ago. My daughter played Prince Charming!!)
  21. Thanks, Pete and Robert. Just seeing what I can opt out of in the next few days. Busier than ever most days, despite being retired!
  22. Thank you, DD! It takes a lot to bring a good woman down!
  23. I usually do (go out quite a lot!) but have just seen my GP who has confirmed my self diagnosis of Shingles, last had when I was 19. She advises me to rest for a few days and take 10 tabs a day for a week! On the plus side, I wont be able to visit my O/H's cantankerous aunt in hospital later this week! Every cloud....................!
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