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New Haven Neil

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Everything posted by New Haven Neil

  1. That was the journey we did in the seacat that is now 'Mannanan' Ashers, about 2000 I think, I'll have to check, she was 'Top Cat' then. Sis in law lives in Marlborough, so we had a day trip to Wellington. Parentals in law live in Nelson, and I have a cousin in Christchurch. I agree about the scenery, we've been three times and adore the south, Te Anau and Queenstown area especially.
  2. Porcy, don't forget Blackies, or officially the Laygate Model Shop, New Green Street, South Shields. The basement was the first home of the South Shields MRS, now the A19 MRC.
  3. I'd say that's the de-icing equipment. Did you photograph Harton 4 while you were there? It was restored by the guy in my photo of the buckled track a few posts ago!
  4. Saw this lady today too - as well as th enew season, it's an enthusiasts weekend thingy, there's 6 locos in steam tomorrow, and I'm not good enough on my pins to go chase - damn.
  5. 9 weeks.... The guy in charge of setting up the course lives a couple of houses around from us, he's worried, was on the radio yesterday talking about it. We'll manage, we always do!
  6. A little surprising, isn't it! Do let me know if you intend to make a visit, I would try to meet up if you wish. We saw 'Mannanan' on her way to Belfast this afternoon, making a fine sight at 40 knots in the sun passing around the North of the rock. In the department of small world, we sailed on her in New Zealand a few years ago.
  7. We had a run 'out west' today, and took some shots of the remaining snow - this is a week later, don't forget! That's snow on the beach, right down to the water.....
  8. Morning, sunny but cold here on FR, Mrs NHN off beachcombing soon, NHN going to fiddle on with some large scale work. Worrying news from N. Korea, would that they joined Debs parade....
  9. Similar score here BoD, 5c on the external thermometer, which doesn't recognise wind chill! Despite the sun, it is most unpleasant out. Warming myself with the thought of a Kernow Thumper.
  10. IainP, I am sure the Aire Valley had a mention earlier! It was inspirational to me too. Remember 'C-OIL' anyone?
  11. As a one time NHS manager, I just feel they are ruining what was once a reasonable service, and sometimes a very good service with these stupid changes. My GP experience in the UK was, er, patchy, and the first one here was atrocious, but when we moved to the other end of the island 10 years ago we got the 'new boy', who locals weren't keen on as he was; new to the island, not manx, young and from London! In fact he is a superb doctor, and now it's impossible to get on his list. He has been of immeasurable help to me, both recently with the hip problems, and other fairly serious issues previously. He listens, understands, is well read on new treatments and drugs, and even shows a good sense of humour, he must do as he is now a local commissioner (councellor)!! If only they could clone him. I used to recruit doctors when I was a medical staffing officer, and only about 20% seemed to be the people we the public wanted them to be. Don't get me started about Consultants....sorry to any of those who are on here, but really, you're NOT god - any god, of whatever belief. Oh oh, /rant.
  12. Sneaky look in from work - oh that feels good! Coffee break RMWeb-ing!!!
  13. There's a notice saying don't touch - what more do they want!
  14. Scary old beasts, aren't they. Would have been nice to have saved them, and the mercury arcs too. The last mercury arc rectifiers here at Laxey on the MER were just taken out of service this winter, and are being preserved. They had the sub station open to visitors last year, took a friend to show him, he was terrified of them! 6'4", ex copper, hard lad....he was backing off when the load came on! He was stunned, all 'jeeze its like bl--dy Frankenstein...' he he!
  15. I know Jack, he comes here to run live steamers ;-) We don't usually advertise the fact, so the lads don't get hassled, they both live on the Island, and one of Fred's wives..... They're also related to one of our best friends here. Small world.
  16. Matters improved. After posting I went out to 'give him a decent burial' as he was lying on his back in a heap and I didn't want the cats to eat him. When I picked him up I realised he was abreathing - out cold. Warmed him up inside, got a bit of water on his beak with a cocktail stick, and he came around. Checked his wings weren't broken, and after half an hour warming up, he was able to fly off. My day is improved immeasurably.
  17. Poor lil Wren just flew into the patio door and killed itself - ruined my day.
  18. Yes, I agree, but didn't want to get TOO bogged down in details! Here's a couple of shots of what is now Chichester Metro station - summer of '76, the heat buckled the track and stopped our progress on one of our many tours of the Harton system, with Freddie Bond, the railway electrical engineer. A Met-Cam crossing the viaduct over Crossgate yard on the old alignment- Harton number 9 just before it went to Tanfield - NHN house roof in background! And a rare one - the rotary converters that produced the 500v (ish!) DC supply for the railway, before the installation of ex-South Shields tramways mercury-arc rectifiers. They were kept in usable condition as a back up for years, and used to give the coverters a run occasionally to keep the insulation dry, scary things. edit because my fingers can't spell my home town!
  19. As you may imagine, the pilot of that van has had some flack...... Odd thing is, the east of the island has little or no snow, the west is obliterated. Heaviest for 50 years. Volunteer squads out today looking for animals stuck. The farmers have got it bad for sure. We are getting the odd fflurry, our gaelic language also allows the 'ff'. The farmers use a slightly different word.
  20. Reminds me why we live over here.....
  21. I agree, Edwin, but I think that Cravens unit only ran to SS in the last months of the line - I never recall seeing anything other than MetCam's until almost the end?
  22. Afternoon. Another day survived, feel worse than yesterday :-( I suppose it's to be expected. Still a lot of snow on the west of the island, may orads closed and power off to a lot of folk still, many, many sheep and cattle have been lost due to getting buried in snow - another farmer lost their flock after bringing them in to a new barn - which collapsed with five feet of snow on the roof, killing most of the livestock inside. Volunteers now combing the hillsides digging out animals. Yet, ten miles away, there is no snow here at all now. Some spring.
  23. A'noon. First half day back at work, what a bind! 1424 e mails to sort through....that's this week spoken for then! No bosses around (bar me), and half the island is still snow bound so it was very quiet. Mike 60860, one of them was from Mr Microsoft, offering upgrade to my 'Office' home user package - yes, the one with Apple options.
  24. Having being tied to daytime TV over the last few months, I'm sick of seemingly only seeing the same episodes of various programmes. Much as I like Lewis (I need to re-charge my accent occasionally) you're correct to say that one seems to have been on so many times recently! Certain episodes of Morse too. :-(
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