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New Haven Neil

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Everything posted by New Haven Neil

  1. Morning world, a miserable 2c here with little more guessed at. Oh hang on, it isn't actually windy.....crikey! Welcome back Don, always worry when regulars aren't on for a few days.
  2. Stationmaster, that catalogue is the British National Formulary (BNF) - very useful if you want to know what they are pumping into you! I have access to a copy at work. I note that my GP (young keen type) adds anything he prescribes into the computer while I'm still there, and it pops up any warnings of interactions, if there is something he explains it to me rather than leaving me to wonder what the 'Warning!' was about. Perhaps knowing my having been an NHS outpatients service manager keeps him sharp too!
  3. A bit like 7 of 9 then (or more like 14...) A knowledge of Star Trek is needed here!
  4. Morning, a chilly and windy 2c here, no sign of snow but some light falls forecast over 100 metres asl, as the road to work is 500m asl, there may be trouble ahead! We were up at 2am due to a crashing noise outside, turns out the garden gate (a large 2m high job) was open and smashing about in the wind - no idea how the bolt had come out, very odd. We don't exactly get midnight skulkers around here.
  5. Yes, I now have to carry a bag full of pills with me wherever we go - damn middle age! At least two of the five medications are only temporary for the post operative pain of the hip work, the others for BP I'm stuck with, or at least two of them, the third was 'insurance' while this other stuff was going on! Thankfully here we can pre-pay an annual set sum for medications, which has helped enourmously this last few months, as I'm on half pay now. Free in Wales of course..... 25c! #sigh#
  6. A'noon. Beat me to it about the pedals - they're all like that sir..... Just rain with added rain over here on fraggle rock, garnished with,.....you guessed it! Just been out to the pharmacy, as when I opened my bag of painkillers and BP meds, discovered they weren't. Mine that is, completely wrongly dispensed. Medications exchanged and official complaint lodged - last time this happened to me nothing ever happened, as it was the local MHK (same as an MP) that had mis-dispensed then - brushed under the carpet. Not good enough, lives are put at risk by things like this. /rant, sorry.
  7. I don't think posting the B1 photo was very easy for you Gilbert, but I'm glad you did.....super model, super bloke, Tetleys.....
  8. Morning, dull grey one here, much the same outside. Sherry, that sounds very scary indeed, your friend must have been terrified. I suppose if he wouldn't get out then driving to the nearest police station may help him jump ship? That almost happened to my wife once years ago, she was collecting me from a staff night out on newcastle quayside (notorious nightclub/bar area) and someone tried to get in the car (diesel) presuming it was a taxi - she had locked the doors thankfully, she's very savvy, but got a tirade of abuse from the drunken reveller for not letting him in her 'taxi'. Here's hoping BCB looks good at Doncaster, I'd love to have visited but a weekend away to the UK costs us about £400.....
  9. Morning world - now we can see in again! Physio'd to within an inch of collapse this morning, and hydro therapy this afternoon. I was gutted when I came back this morning and found the forum down, I had just settled down with coffee and ibuprofen! Work called to see how things were going and filled my morning in, thankfully. It's nice, and probably unusual, in this day and age to have work colleagues (boss included) regularly calling on a welfare basis. It's nice to be missed. No hidden agenda either.
  10. Mr Trisonic sir, that Eric Clapton Blues Night radio1 concert I was muttering about was Feb 1991. eeek. Water has flowed under the bridge since then rather, in fact it has evaporated, condensed, rained and flowed again a few times! He had Jimmy Vaughan, Chuck Lavell and Greg Phillinganes, Joey Spampinato, Jamie Oldacre and Jerry Portenoy in his band. It's a cracking concert, if that's your music.
  11. A small but perfectly formed one? Llanastr. A little late for the period I really meant when I started the thread, but I loved the MRJ article about it.
  12. Morning. A rather long and not great day yesterday going to see my hip surgeon, which resulted in rather depressing news. Appears things were rather worse than I had been led to believe immediately post-op, and this may just have ended up as a delaying tactic after all. Grumph. These things are sent to try us. One for the nurses (and doctors) of Wrightington Hospital (Lancashire) though, again they were exemplary, a shining example of professionalism. Whereas the airport staff doing the wheelchair lifts here at Ronaldsway airport, made some comment about 'it must be the paralympics' as there were several of us. Complaint letter going in! I didn't need that after the bad news.
  13. Ah no, unfortunately. The brain THINKS it's 17 though! Deep thought usually proves otherwise. Apologies for absence tomorrow, going across to the adjacent island for assessment of operative success or otherwise!
  14. Eric Clapton being Radio 2 material nowadays....well, so am I! Sheesh, how did I get to be 53, the insides are still 17.
  15. Morning, a tropical 1c here, and a howling gale probably making a wind chill of another 6 or 7 degrees. Gordon, that sums up the modern world for me.... everyone knows better. Like teenagers, but older. Grumpy? Moi? Guilty Your Worship.
  16. It was a concert from Radio 1 about 15 years ago I think - Clapton was supreme as always. Must listen to the intro to remember when! It's only part 1, never got part 2 unfortunately.
  17. Weather here now horizontal sleet at about 60mph, directly from the north. Ugh. I shall remain indoors fortified by coffee and entertained by Eric Clapton.
  18. Morning, howling gale over here in the Irish Sea this morning. As for the Swiss railway thing, it dpesn't surprise me. I have a Swiss friend here, a dear older lady, who reliably informs me that she would never, ever return there, due to the national trait of unbeding adherence to idiotic rules. Rings true now.... I SO love the Swiss railways too, the Rail Passes solved any ticketing issues for us.
  19. I rather like the second ( I am often quite contrary!) it is certainly hard to give scale to. Plus I love V2's.... Given a slightly deeper thought process, I think it is because real world often has locations like that, light compromised under the bridge, shadows blah blah....so it looks real, not an 'ideal' photo location. I have some shots like that in Chur, better not post them as it would 'somewhat' be off topic, but would demonstrate my point! A bit more grease and oil on the motion of the V2 would finish the job off nicely. What a super train set you are building, Gilbert. Edit for speeling.
  20. Thought so! I'm a Scots/Manx cross....born in Geordieland though!
  21. Dreich - you must have Scots blood to use that word, 45156! grey and damp here too, although oddly warm (9c) after last night. Mrs NHN off with her best pal walking collies Doona and Ffinlo, Debs will be pleased to know!
  22. Morning - just. Tough love made a young girl I work with, although it took until after her school years for things to work out - she is dyslexic, and the school missed it.....tough love giver single Mum 'made' her go to college to try to get some qualification, having left school with none at all. College immediately spotted the problem, and put the things in place she needed to understand. Said young lady now has an MA in Social Work and is a fantastic probation officer for juveniles, the best we have ever seen. To top it off she is a lovely person, and a pleasure to work with. Tough love - I'm all for it.
  23. Just had a run out in the caravan with an engine.... ;-) caravan's weren't allowed here until recently. Mrs NHN's pride and joy, must say I rather enjoy it too, it's also easy to get in and out with the gammy hip, getting in my Flawed Focus is a lot harder. Temps plummeting, 8c - 1c in an hour....clear skies.
  24. Morning, a late start again after another rough night. A gorgeous morning here, bathed in sunlight after an early frost, birds going crackers as they seem to think it's spring. A whole 5c too, which counts as OK, and not a cloud to be seen. Only thing is the local flying club destroying the peace, obviously a lot of students out today doing circuits. Why don't light aircraft have to have silencers?
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