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Beresford Junction

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Everything posted by Beresford Junction

  1. Evening folks The final bit of the roof has been added along with a bit on the apex (I'm sure someone will inform me of what it's called) to vent the fumes out of / cover the dodgy workmanship. It is actully made from tiny little double sided sticky foam bits about 5mm squared that I found in the stationery dept. and thought they'd come in handy for something, which they have done. Now to the painting - I have tried a sample bit of blue, which looks like its going to need a couple of coats. I'm actually quite pleased with it. Phil
  2. Another bit added to the 'shed' tonight... And here an overhead shot to show what is still to add. Phil
  3. I've been working on the end pannels this morning. First one now stuck in place. Phil
  4. Right, here we go. The glue has now dried and the first sheet cut to size. I think it must just be the angle of the shot and the wall (of course nothing is straight), but it is level. Phil
  5. You know there's nothing like a good bit of woodworking, and this isn't! Progress has started on the end of the shed. (the piece on top is just to hold it in place as it dries) Oh and nothing like modelling round the trains. Phil
  6. Afternoon all A bit of an update for once. Over the weekend I managed to patch up all the bits of woodwork/frame that I'd removed to add the second helix, then have added some greenery to cover it all up. I even worked out how I'm going to finishe the roof on the long building that you can see in the background. I now need to add a quick coat of paint to the front then re-hang my curtains to cover up all the junk underneath. Phil Oh and did I mention that I'm thinking of getting back into passenger services
  7. Evening, and yes all is now fine thanks. I had to keep a low profile on here and other 'social media' for a while, but that matter was successfully resolved last week, so apart from having to amuse the mini-Beresfords and stop them breaking things, I should be able to crack on. Am off for a mini meet-up this evening with some RMWebbers and have a play with the trains. Phil
  8. Thanks for the hospitality Kevin, and hopefully most of the locos and stock are back in the right place now.
  9. Evening all. Quick update on the Junction. Firstly I had a visit from a two and four year old - this being the result. Later on I noticed some visitors have moved into the dark recesses of the layout. However, good news that the yard has finally been re-connected to the helix (or Felix as my son calls it) - since it only took 5 mins, I'm not sure why it's taken so long.
  10. I'm going to be far too busy making this - then posting on LCMWeb.com (Landing Craft Modellers Web obviously). Phil
  11. 73138 arrives at the NR yard delivering a single Super GUV after laying up overnight at Theale.
  12. And I know where I need to go to get some nice doors when I need them.
  13. Back on the case tonight with a bit of painting and cutting the track, only to discover that I should really have a red floor inside the shed. I'm still tyrying to decide on the best front for the shed, either a complete brick effect (square front), or similar to the sides with brick at the bottom and cladding for the rest, or of course just leave as wood effect.
  14. Just received notification that there should be a new delivery that'll need sneaking past 'the checkpoint' on Wednesday, along with some WW II landing craft kits
  15. Morning all First time down at the Junction for a very long time - just been too busy with other things and tired when I get home. I even had to miss out on a trip to Tidworth (the virtual one) last week due to workload. Anyway, enough whinging, I have finally managed to fit a chip to 731 and grab some photos of the increasing amount of yellow in the yard. And good news, the investment committee has agreed to increase the fleet - watch this space. Phil
  16. Thanks Ian It's currently just standard 'Slaters brown', and no doubt it will end up as some kind of dirty off white/light grey with a bit of rusty streaks down it. As for signage, I'm going to need it with velcro so I can swap from EWS to GBRf to Network Rail to Freightliner to Railfreight to ....
  17. Here we go as promissed, pictures of the new roof (currently just propped in place). Phil
  18. Hi Scott Nothing new down at the Junction, so I'm still on track for my 10,000 day target to get it finished. I did finish the walls on the new building, then got stuck deciding how to do the roof and what to make it out of. I think have come up with a solution to that and hope to crack on with that tonight, although work has been a bit manic recently. I'm still GBRf (along with all the other operators), and still deciding if to get a 'shoebox' as I think they're called, not the yellow one in the works right now - I'm waiting for you to move onto something else then pick it up cheap I'll hopefully get some more pics of the lack of progress later. Cheers Phil
  19. Am looking at the Airfix "D-Day The Sea Assault Gift Set" working how to fit it into Beresford Junction

    1. ginger j

      ginger j

      Aye...that looks like a nice little set there..

    2. scots region

      scots region

      Err... Damn it Dave, all you had to do was drive in a straight line, you had one job! One Job.

  20. Yes please Paul, although could you preferably concentrate more on the trains and less on the hairy legs.
  21. Thanks Tom, and of course you're right on the re-numbering. It wasn't one of mine, it came like that. Here is the proof of its split personality..... As you know I'm a stickler for authenticity and 100% accuracy (NOT) Phil Off to fit the roofing felt
  22. Unfortunately I'm not in charge of liveries.
  23. Some photos of the latest shed action at Beresford Junction Oops, wrong one Here we go. 66731 joins 66732 at the depot. Phil [ And yes I know, I still have to fit the roofing felt ]
  24. Good idea, or perhaps I could tunnel through the wall then re-connect at the other end, although I suspect the house would fall down.
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