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Beresford Junction

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Everything posted by Beresford Junction

  1. That's the depot linked up to the mainline now. I just need to buy some more locos to fill it all up!
  2. Having decided to opt out of doing Christmas shopping (apart from to myself obviously), and I've also got a bit of man-flu, so have been working on the fuel store. The original plan of using some aerosol caps had to be discarded due to the fact whatever they were made of meant no glue would stick (hence the tape option), but then no paint would stay on. I then decided to butcher a BP TEA and build a retaining wall round it. It's also moved over to near the loco shed (this is what's going to get connected up to the main line with the hidden corner and station being re-instated). Still waiting for the glue to dry then I'll fill in the corners and start on the inside of the walls. Not sure what to do on the top of the wall. Phil
  3. Nice bit of '90s action. It's always good to have a change of era Phil
  4. Oh no - just ordered another '37 - with sound. I can see another change of era coming along to Beresford Junction!

    1. ess1uk


      Go late 80s, you know you want to!

    2. Beresford Junction

      Beresford Junction

      This one is actually late '90s


    3. class"66"



      ive now too dug out all my 90s stock after looking over your Phil..

  5. I think they were limited edition. I believe I got mine from OnTracks. They are HO rather then OO, but you know I have little regard for that kind of thing. Managed to acquire some foam board from work to start the construction of the fuel tank containing walls. All very exciting (I lead a very quiet life). Phil
  6. Is this what you wanted? They are HO from "Golden Valley Products" or Electrotren or Rivarossi - someone like that. Phil
  7. Phew - the baby has been retrieved from the track And my next plan - some tanks for the fuelling point, with a little wall round them, ladders etc. Wondering if I can make them out of some aerosol caps taped together - might be a step too far? And the eagle eyed of you might notice I'm planning on sneaking some extra track round the back.... Phil
  8. Yes I agree, so much I've bought a load more 'building materials' - only about 20' of backscene to fill!
  9. Here we go - I'm surprised no-one spotted them before - the high-viz boys pushing a baby in a pram... And here it is zoomed in However the worst bit is that it's actually a 2014 model McLarren so wouldn't have been arround in the Railfreight era Phil
  10. Evening ladies and gents. Not much going on down at the junction this weekend, however I did manage to grab some better shots of 20168 refuelling after the daily run from Tidworth. And some more shots of the (still not finished) fencing and the big blue shed, oh and some Railfreight locos / wagons. Phil
  11. 37905 joins the Railfreight fleet And here it is the random choice waiting while the ice cream van crosses over
  12. Successfully sneaked the locos and 'extras' past the guards - one will match the photos above and the other is mainly yellow (not NR) with a bit of blue and a large white logo on the side - I'll post some pics later. And I forgot that I'd also pre-ordered a fully yellow one yesterday too. Cheers Mr Whippy
  13. Right, thats the orders placed. Couple of more locos, some buildings and building materials, oh and an ice-cream van
  14. Now it appears that Network Rail has left the yard and with a bit of a time machine the Railfreight boys have moved back in. Hopefully I've not left anything modern in shot.
  15. Managed to grab a quick shot of 47749 refuelling after delivering the barrier coaches to Campbell Road, with a couple of bemused commuters waiting for the 22:45 service to Tidworth. Looking forward to a meetup with the boys tomorrow evening. Phil
  16. Thanks Scott You mean like this? I'm struggling with shunting space at the moment, so was even contempating adding another set of boards, coming off the helix half way down to store it all on. Have added some more fencing tonight - only one more pack to go then I'm done (for now). Phil
  17. Evening all It appears the weather has turned for the worse and decided that rather than gather leaves in the garden (in the rain) I'd descend to Beresford Junction and crack on. I applied another coat of blue to the large building then deceided to fit some of the Knightwing fencing I bought a few years ago - quite laborious. I've done a couple of packets and have a couple more to go. Once it's all all install and the glue has dried, I'm planning on giving it a wash of grey paint, then add some weeds round the bottom. Phil
  18. Perhaps I should start some tunneling under the town - what could possibly go wrong?
  19. Evening all A few photos of my recent visit to the model railway museum at Balbao Park, San Diego, and guess what - they not only have a helix, but a model of a real world helix at "Tehachapi Loop" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tehachapi_Loop It is a very big layout - here is the track plan, and made me feel at home as it is in the basement.... I was fascinated but was a bit disappointed by the number of trains running - i.e. not many at all. It seemed to be great modelling of mountains and track, but not operationally interesting. Having operated Leaford for the weekend at a show, the key to keeping the punters interested and engaged is having some locos / stock movements. Anyway, very impressive and well worth a visit if you're in the area. Phil Oh and I did see some very impressive 'real' trains running.
  20. Evening Ian A very brave man with the saw indeed, but I'm sure it will work out, and looking forward to driving it on Tidworth. Phil
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