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Everything posted by E3109

  1. Nice one sir, I also appreciate that your task is made a little bit harder by being in WA (got a few ex BR mates working over there BTW, Buzz Lightyear ring a bell AKA Ian Jones)? Had an idea they'd block baseboard imports, thanks for confirming that's indeed the case.
  2. Hi Odin, fascinating project and am I right in assuming you're building a model of the depot itself? Looking forward to your updates.
  3. Not updated this for a while, been busy at work but also on the model and its associated traction. Step by step, but it's getting there. I realise these will be upside down, but should be able to correct that when I get my laptop back from its F Exam!
  4. Now then gents, They could reinstate Golborne station pretty easily, the slow lines are still slewed away from the fasts meaning they could reinstate the station at relatively little cost to the taxpayer, a la Euxton Balshaw Lane (ie serving the slow lines only). The only Achilles Heel would be parking. Whether there is the political will to do this I don't know, but I hope they do at some point. A ten minute journey time from Golborne to Wigan NW surely beats the bus or car.
  5. Hi Katy Thanks for clarifying that, interesting piece on Irish registrations in the link below, it was possible to transfer a ROI plate to GB before 1 Jan 1987, and not 1982 as I thought. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_registration_plates_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland
  6. Just for info, I think I'm right in saying that Eire and UK car registrations were interchangeable until approx 1982, presumably there was a shared arrangement up to then. Basically, anything with a Z in it was Irish, whether ROI or NI. For instance, a bloke round these parts (Lancs) had a reg 12 AZ or similar which is clearly a ROI plate rather than NI. Last saw this car/reg around five years ago but I'd imagine it's still current/valid in GB. Not sure about the rules now given the divergence of both authorities a few years ago, and in fact I recall an Irish bus preservationist who had to reregister his Dublin Atlantean to a GB 'K' plate a while back because his bus was staying in GB for a year. Presumably he would get the historic Irish plate back on its return to Erin.
  7. Gents and Ladies My main query is to do with decent replacements for the Heljan pans as fitted to their EM1, has anyone managed to fit a European equivalent with very little fuss? The pan as supplied *in itself* isn't too bad, but it's the lack of any equalisation I don't like, ie it tips over when dragging along the OLE. If this didn't happen then I'd be more than happy with them, despite the ugly lockdown appendage which could easily be ground off. I'm wondering if Sommerfeldt and others offer units which are pretty much like for like, I'm also aware that Michael Edge offers a kit but at the moment I'd prefer a "swap-and-go" arrangement if possible. Mr Edge's pans look wonderful but I've not soldered anything for 25 years and prefer the easy route right now. Michael, if you're reading this then would you be willing to sell pre-constructed examples? Regarding AEI cross arms as fitted to 87s and certain 86s (and at least one AL2) I wonder if anything from the Japanese market would suit, crossarms seem to be the norm there. Cheers.
  8. Wow! Peaks on SP weren't unheard of and especially after the 40s went, indeed my uncle who was an SP driver used to take me there when it was quiet on a Sunday and sometimes let me have a go on the shed job, supervised obviously. But to catch 45106 in green there is summat else and especially derailed, it didn't last long in green before it set alight. Epic capture sir and thanks a lot for posting this. Went past SP again today and there is a hell of a lot of work going on to turn it into a unit depot. Can't be sure but it looked as though the old fuelling point has been flattened, can any of you guys confirm this? I also wonder if the remains of the steam shed wall will survive? Either way, I'm glad the site has had a resurgence.
  9. Agreed to a point sir, I was an avid fan of the original telly stuff that appeared about 1984. This was spoiled when Thomas (or Percy?) failed and in true model railway tradition, he was dragged off but his wheels weren't rotating. That was me tipping point!
  10. Can somebody confirm that the cylindrical bomb-like appendages on the front of 40 and Peak bogies (and 10201 etc) were nothing but solid ballast weights? I did see a post on another forum that suggested there were springs within, but I can't think why there would be. Used to get up close and personal with 40s back in the day, but that's one aspect I never investigated. Cheers!
  11. Girls into trains would be a good thing, agreed. Apart from the rare exception it was boys only in my trainspotting youth. For me Rev Awdry's railway knowledge was superb and it was this that was lost once it migrated to the telly, mind you what else could be expected once the family sold the rights off. Nonetheless I reckon we ought to welcome this, Awdry was definitely pivotal regarding my initial interest in railways and I bet there are thousands of people who could state that too.
  12. Sexualising traction units, good god. (Takes long breath)...... And, relax..... Is there a world away from here, where a hobby or interest is immune from PC nonsense, if there is please let me know cos that's where I want to go.
  13. EE actually proposed a superior bogie to the version preferred by BR, based on the mechanically similar 1200 class locos supplied to Rhodesia. BR declined the offer, maybe they should've taken it up although without checking I don't know if the pony wheels on the 1200s had brake blocks. I used to attend engineering classes with a Springs Branch fitter who was happy to state that they used to rub grease into class 40 bogie fractures in order for them to pass exams.
  14. I've seen Hornby mk3s (VT livery) in charity shop windows for upwards of £15, on the other hand a mate picked up a Heljan 47 for less than that from the RSPCA! He must be luckier than me. I do visit charity shops quite regularly but never had a bargain like that.
  15. For info, 2x86 are used on the Anglo-Scottish liners because they're able to beat Shap and Beattock at a velocity that diesels can only dream of, same with Skodas on the Russell jobs, albeit isolated TMs here and there. Class 86/87 were arguably BR's best investment ever, a fact that their current owners seem to agree with, both in the UK and Bulgaria. Pity the 87s had to go abroad for this to be realised, but hey! From what I'm hearing lately, we can expect 86s to outlive all of us. G&W aren't daft, the company own them rather than lease them so I'd be very surprised if these venerable and capable old girls are binned anytime soon.
  16. To be fair Craig I was agreeing with the OP, my only regret with regard to the post I made was that in hindsight it came across a little bit "me me me", which wasn't my intention. I was merely chucking in a couple of anectdoes which may or may not have gone down too well. Best of luck with your project, Chuffinghell.
  17. True, it all went a bit aw(d)ry when it went on the telly.Let's face it, even if 'D9022' had been named 'Sir Testosterone of Alpha Males' he would've still been referred to as 'she', due to it being a (fictional) locomotive. Maybe we're to blame for all the PC nonsense!
  18. Chuffinghell, can I just add to what others have said, in a nutshell it's your railway, thus do what you want with it and to hell with the rivet counters. As long as it makes you happy then that's all that matters. Couple of refs here, first off I've been involved in bus preservation for donkey's years. Anyway we took one of our buses to a rally in Wigan Corporation livery, but with Greater Manchester fleet numbers. Nit picker came over and announced "that bus never ran like that" and all the rest. Normally I would've shown him the photos we had on board to demonstrate it did indeed operate in this condition but his attitude put paid to that and I said "so how the **** do you think it got here this morning then?" Second ref, been doing a model of an erstwhile ETD of late (Reddish) and the offices were fitted with a fire escape c.1977, next to 10 Road. I want to incorporate this staircase, but then the model would be incompatible with anything carrying E numbers or earlier. I lost about 3 nanoseconds deliberating over this, the staircase is staying even if 27000 is adjacent to it in lined bloody black. Sod them mate. Do it for your own enjoyment and to hell with the anal brigade.
  19. To be fair, at least they feature an Indian Alco. PC nonsense aside, I'm well up for that!
  20. Not sure if this is the correct sub forum to post this, but look at these beauties. EE V8 and V16, plus a Sulzer unit. Having some soon enough, they really do look the dog's. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-Scalecast-models-16-SVT-Mk2-00-Gauge-4mm-Scale/283128117819?_trkparms=aid%3D444000%26algo%3DSOI.DEFAULT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20170221122447%26meid%3Decde9ec576d24ff2b3fa6458202aa414%26pid%3D100752%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D3%26sd%3D283133253803%26itm%3D283128117819&_trksid=p2047675.c100752.m1982
  21. Been chatting with my workmate the last few days via email, he was telling me that he used to pan 76s up at Guide Bridge quite regularly after withdrawal. The odd moan was heard, but nowt official. He was also saying that they used a 'single' (76040 presumably) as Reddish pilot for ages after the MSW closure.
  22. Cracking place and decent staff, not the cheapest but certainly the most convenient for where I live, with a wide range of stuff on offer. Hope they get a move quickly and at minimal cost.
  23. You might like to check out this old beast, built in the Netherlands and restored to service from m derelict condition. Its Indonesian nickname is 'Bonbon' and it occasionally works specials. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gUe6I7DllU8
  24. E3109


    Haha, same in Wigan. Especially Ince, Ashton and Platt Wazz way!
  25. Point taken and I've no time for religion myself, just making a comparison really.
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