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Everything posted by E3109

  1. Thanks for that gents, I will pursue these leads. Fodenway, you know what, last night I did a bit of googling and the Kinder Egg route did appear to come up trumps. An eBay seller in Germany is offering a couple of Vespas for around a fiver plus p+p, and it's stated that these are 1:64. Seems quite a few Kinder products were done to that scale and although quite crude in many respects, it does appear that the basics are correct and thus should scrub up rather well. Thanks again.
  2. Never mind the diseasels, get the EE Wirescrapers in! I very much doubt any Vulcan-built EU06s work service trains these days, but you never know... In any case, if your fall back moves involve an EU07, at least you can be confident that it has British Heritage, albeit under licence. I'd advise that you make a beeline for Wolstyn though. Beast of a place.
  3. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2cRDeFKR2Q8
  4. 1500 DC I think, given the lovely arched portals down south, as depicted in the vids.
  5. As thoroughly impressive as that is, I still prefer the 1955 version, featuring CC7107 and BB9004... 331klicks/hour ain't bad at all. Also remember that those old girls were running on plain bearings too, albeit of the absolutely superb Athermos design. There's a bit of stuff on YT about it, can't recall the channel but the narration is definitely the Gallic version of Mr Chomley-Warner!
  6. I can't find much on the forum about this, hoping somebody here has any info to share. Motorcycles and scooters seem fairly obscure in model railway sizes, with the possible exception of HO where they're fairly well catered for. HO is far too small for what I'm after, although the ones I've seen are lovely (pricey) representations. I realise that there is a new issue of a motorbike and sidecar (Oxford?) but apart from that, are there many others? What I really want are machines that are roughly 1:64, for an Asian project which is currently on the back burner. Asia wouldn't be Asia without hundreds of 'motos' in view. Any make, any era although Honda Cubs, Vespas, Lambrettas are a must, along with more modern 'hairdryers' such as the Honda Wave. I've looked at various 1:72 military offerings but couldn't find any motorcycles, they don't need to be too accurate as I'm happy to fettle round with them and depending on the machine, 1:72 could feasibly be used for either scale I'm representing be it 4mm or 1:64. I would like a few motorbikes on my 4mm layout too, hence the dual query. Any leads appreciated. Cheers E3109
  7. As I'm starting 'from the ground up', so to speak, I'm using code 75 on mine. Not that there is anything wrong with code 100 and as others have mentioned, it's more in proportion with post-BS113A renewals. Definitely agreed on spacing the sleepers out though, for 4mm scale whether it's 75 or 100. This is not particularly scientific, but I've found that with concrete sleeper Peco code 75, a really easy way to space the sleepers out is to use a Lego base as a jig. The sleepers, once the sprues are cut through, space out very easily between the Lego studs and are a comfortable interference fit between them. This doesn't seem to work with wooden 75/100 as the sleepers are a different width, same with concrete 100 although with a bit of fettling it's possible. It would be interesting to see if anyone has managed to respace the sleepers on HO pointwork to resemble OO though. Can't be an easy task!
  8. Just to add to a post by Russ a day or two ago, I'd prefer repowering to the gas axe. No doubt when A couple of production 'Trams' get preserved they may well be retrofitted with Valenta engines. 47 Bashers and preservationists should really be thankful that some of them were refurbished for further service, albeit with a different engine. When the time comes, simply buy one and refit a Sulzer lump. In that respect, I wish that class 40s had been repowered back in the day, at least there would still have been more than the paltry seven locos in existence.
  9. Some more pics. I'm able to correct their orientation via my laptop I think, not yet though as I've lost my dongle. Rather that than losing my mojo...
  10. A bit of progress yesterday, finally got the main baseboard done, and the pits positioned, albeit temporarily. The pit road assemblies still need the Lego studs covering over of course. Incidentally, I'm posting via an iPad and for some reason the photos often seem to be upside down, like here, no idea why and dunno how to correct it. Any advice appreciated...
  11. The version I heard, is that the 56s that are in decent nick will, initially at least, retain their EE/Ruston engines, only the basket cases will receive GM power. If this is true, then it would suggest that most or all will return to service with GB. All based on messroom rumours, usual caveats apply!
  12. Beast Many thanks for posting these. Never seen a revolving dummy as you posted above, well not on these shores, it would appear to follow continental practice in principle, especially regarding points indicators. Can I request photos from Reddish TMD if you have some? Cheers and thanks for posting your pics. Back in the day when we all had to use film, it wasn't particularly cheap so most of us didn't bother 'wasting' film on such details. Glad you did sir, and well done.
  13. I've had photos rejected on Railpictures for far worse sins than that. I don't bother posting anything to that page any more. To be fair, the main reason is that various subscribers have referred to Westerns as 'ugly'. Not being funny but even those who can't abide 'Maybach Music' generally acknowledge that the Thousands were amongst the most beautiful locos the world has ever seen. Must be an American thing. Wouldn't like to see their wives.
  14. Incidentally, in the main lobby for the hotel, there was an absolutely stunning marble fireplace at the bottom of the stairs. Sadly it had been vandalised and by what looked like a lump hammer. Hope it's been restored to its former glory but the site has changed so much since it was derelict, so I couldn't say for certain if it's still there. I've been in the pub (Head of Steam) but not the student bit.
  15. I remember the booking office being against the back wall as depicted here, right up until the 1984 refurb.Whether they were the same structures is open to debate, but they were certainly redundant by summer 1984 and I know this for certain as I stayed with my Gran and Grandad for a couple of weeks in July/August that year, they bought me a Zone ticket and I spent that fortnight doing 40s out of Lime Street. When only Peaks and 47s were on the menu, I drifted towards Wirral to ride on 503s. I started on the railway in 1992, in Liverpool and if I recall correctly, the booking office structures were still there and maybe they still are. If so, they will be behind the present Boots and John Menzies/WH Smiths. In fact I recall having access to the hotel and my colleagues and I went into the booking office. Why I didn't take all the unused Edmonsons I'll never know. We certainly explored the entire site including the cellar, which contained a laundry and facilities for cleaning all the buffet crockery. Indeed, I got a BR((M) teacup from there. Sure I still have it somewhere. I would imagine all this was swept away when the hotel was refurbished for student accommodation... But you never know!
  16. No different here. In fact the RSPCA won't do anything about it because one of their main patrons adheres to barbarity principles. I daren't elaborate because I'm on here to talk about toy trains rather than animal rights and/or Neanderthal doctrines. Back on topic, been down under twice and loved it. Hell, the Newport Workshops (Melbourne) is a must-see for any self-respecting crank and even in NSW they still have Met-Vick Wirescrapers, and some tasty ALCOs, albeit largely stuffed and mounted. Two things that struck me about Oz though. 1. It's like here, only with better weather. 2. They have reverse liveried magpies.
  17. Excellent first post sir. Guessing the pylon is scratchbuilt?
  18. Just a bit of a query here, I know that many people enjoy their models with sound features and full respect to those that do. However, my preferred option is utter silence. I find that model loco sound reminds me of the 'canned laughter' on third-rate 1970s tv shows. In essence, I find it all a little bit tacky, irrespective of how accurate the sound actually is. I must make an admission here in that I've only experienced this stuff at exhibitions. But frankly, I wasn't impressed at all. If anything, I find it to be annoying. As much as I appreciate, say a class 40 on full chat in real life, somehow it just doesn't cut it when applied to something that's 76.2 times smaller than the real thing. I find it all rather gimmicky TBH. Any input appreciated.
  19. I felt your pain! I liked to stand when driving 15x, but realise that's not to everyone's tastes.
  20. Just to add. I was travelling pass earlier on an XC class 170, BNS to Stansted Airport. I bailed at Peterborough but it was full and standing most of the way. Found it rather distasteful that such a service was formed only of 2 cars. I hope that Scotrail get the extra cars for this purpose but it will be a travesty if they're sent to the boneyard without providing other TOCs with further capacity. And yes, I include Pacers in that equation, pending the delivery of replacement stock.
  21. Never been particularly enamoured with dog boxes/skateboards, the delayed brake/power applications were enough for me to prefer even a 142 to those contraptions. That said, I'm all for getting the max out of them, the above issue apart they aren't too bad. Makes me wonder why they were ever de-formed from 2-car 155s. LBRJ you raise a valid point there re bike space, in which case why not retain 142s for this purpose? If they fall foul of the forthcoming embellished DP regs then they may as well be put to good use in other ways. I'm not a fan of the things but by the same token I don't approve of wastefulness and especially when it's only due to BS edicts. In fact I'd go one further and suggest that 142s be retained purely for rush-hour strengthening (at a reduced leasing fee) provided the set it's coupled to is compliant. Incidentally. Why do 153s, alone within the Sprinter family, always seem to smell of used Durex? Nobody has ever been able to explain that one!
  22. The rear one is not usually 'controlled' at all, it's basically turned into another carriage or wagon via isolating cocks. The main exception is of course HSTs, which were designed this way and legitimately 'top and tailed' by design. Edit: I just noticed you said both locos are powering. I dunno much about 68s but I would ask if you're sure about that? As you say, seems overkill. Why bother? I suspect the trailing engine is just on tickover or maybe supplying ETS, but if not, and it is powering, I'd also like to know how, and more importantly, why!
  23. Often wondered if the 'next big thing' on layouts is moving hologram people, animals and so on. I bet it's possible too.
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