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Everything posted by kingfisher24

  1. Aye i never realised there was a station there either and aye again there are some posh timber frames with a single brik skin that they call houses on the spot - complete with a 30 year guarantee at up to £300.000 each now thats great value haha. On the layout, the scenics will continue on the front of the layout but the area just before the backscene at either end will be done last incase the bakscene needs removing or adjusting etc. Gary
  2. On my way back from finding out what baby number three will be i popped in to the club to check on the first part of scenics to be done and add another layer of wood glue and kitchen towel. A lot more to do yet. The scenert is formed using a card cereal packets cut into strips and made into a latticework on top of which is wood glue and kitchen roll paper built up in layers. This should be strong enough and not bein plaster it shouldn't crack either, well i hope, i was thinking of adding a layer of plaster bandage aswell but i will wait and see how solid the scenics are and then decide.
  3. Just came across this thread and very nice, I particularly like the wooden bridge model, i can just remember standing on the real thing many years ago and it was a hair raising experience to say the least. Also I like the a3's weatheting very nice. Gary
  4. Here are a couple more shots i forgot to upload showing the progress on the layout, just the scenic formers on the fiddle yard end to be done.
  5. Here are some picture of the real world i have found to give an idea as to how i see the finished station looking when done. First the road over rail bridge at the fiddle yard end of the platforms, the shot is of the old bridge at inveresk but it shows what i have in mind, on the model i may widen my bridge so that the platforms can extend slightly beyond the bridge as in this photo. Next the signal box which will be on the inside platform, this shot is of the box at largo on the fife coast but again shows what i have in mind. And here the layout of some of the glendevon end of the station showing the short bay used for unloading, this is Elie ststion but again it shows the idea of the model. Please bear in mind that the buildings will not be the same as in these shots. These are simply the best ones I could find that give the best idea of what the finished model will hopefully look like. On the model the main station building will be on te outside platform with the signal box and other station building on the inside platform with the signal box being at the glendevon end of the platform. Roughly opposite the pirate in this photo.
  6. An update on the glendevon extension, tonight i finished the main scenic formers along the front of the layout, next to be done will be the formers for the rear section and then a start can be made on the formers for the scenics on the back of the layout. Then the basic scenic work can begin.
  7. Mike Ive just came accross this thread and i must say its brilliant, i myself also used to reside in duns originally, i particilarly like your model of the granery i used to pass it every day on my way to school. Keep the pics coming. Gary
  8. Here is results of a couple of hours work this afternoon, it took longer than i thought it would to make scenic formers on the front of the layout. Next to be done will be the bck scene on this board and work towards the fiddle yard end. Again the idea is to have the line/station set into a cutting with a small road coming off the main road and sloping down to the station forecourt area. The road will be in the cut out on the left of this first shot. There will be a second road on the layout crossing the far end of the loop on a stone bridge and then over the industrial line by a blue brick over bridge thus creating a nice scenic break. Gary
  9. Perth allocated 45473 witong ti run round its train at glendevon circa 1960
  10. This are the boards set in between glendevon proper and the fiddle yard and with code 100 laid to the plan and to play around with the plan and tweak here and there until its finalised. We have lost the run round loop on the industrial or private owner part as we fealt that there was too much track in the space. Insead there is just te head shunt which is simpler and keeps the electrics a little less complicated with two sets of points less. Next after the track plan is finalised the outline of the track will be outlined and all the ply outside the line will be cut, leaving just the track bed ply and the rest open frame to save weight. Thus allowing the scenics to be built above and below track level. Note how the track is on a gentle curve, i had to get away from the dead straight society, it will hopefully look more natural on a flowing curve. Gary
  11. I have posted this loco before but always on a passenger rake of one kind or another, so i thought id do something differant and run the c16 on a freight, as these handsome loco's weren't just used on locals.
  12. As always a lovely selection of classes on show, i particularly like tr ex nbr types, im currently working on a j37 using the Hornby 700 0-6-0 as a starting point. Keep the pictures coming as its always nice to see them. Gary
  13. Tony As far as i can remember without going into any book it was only on scottish engines for working the single line section of the east coast mainline around montrose. Im guessing anyway as it seems the only possible reason. Gary
  14. Another thought for a future loco, perhaps a longer bunker with either the single axle re-used or even another bogie to make a 4-4-4?? Gary
  15. Steve I think a d40 or sudjer would be the prettiest choice in my eyes, what of the wheelbase when compared to the t9? Ie often thought of trying to cobble one together but have never thought of a t9 as a starting point. Gary
  16. Steve Really good use of the gbl locos, i myself have often thought of making a caley 4-4-0 but fear i do not as yet know all that much about them to make a good job of it, being a modeller of mostly ex nbr and lner. Nevertheless i will one day get around to it. Keep the pis coming. Gary
  17. I have just came across this thread, i must say that these conversions are just brilliant, particularly the 4-4-0t. Its amazing what can be achieved when you use a bit of imagination. Keep them coming. Gary
  18. Very nice indeed - i have decided that i am going to do an example of the class as they appeared towards the end, ie with the tenders from withdrawn k3's. That way only the loco will need the work doing to it. Are you still planning a resin moulding etc? Gary
  19. And here are another three shots of the mock-up without the run round loop in the yard, to me it looks less crowded without the loop. Allowing more scenery to be added, these mock up boards are 6" narrower than the boards i have been working on, the effect of a layout in the landscape is what im aiming for and as can be seen in all the shots so far, the track plan on thd main lines is on a gentle curve. To me this looks better than having it dead straight.
  20. Here is a shot of the mock-up which has been used to play about on in order to get the track plan how we like it. At the far end the line will disappear into the fiddle yard whilst the line to the left in the centre will be a line under a bridge to industry. With the two sidings in the centre being used as exchange sidings. We are deliberately not having any specific industry on the layout, firstly because of the lack of space and, as there is no industry on show the line can be going to anything so the traffic can we varied accordingly without changing anything on the layout. We have even had a suggestion of ambroses glendevon custard, and a govt red tape factory. The line at the bottom on the right will be the main line to glendevon station (via the existing brewery section where space allows the full layout to be put up), the other line will be a line to somewhere else, making the station a junction. To be honest i am not sure about the run round loop on the bottom left. This loop is to allow industrial loco's to run round their train after picking up wagons before proceeding to the industry. I would rather propel the short trains that will be used and not having the loop would allow for more scenics at this end of the layout. So the loop may well disappear on the final version.
  21. My club had a lyout named Glendevon (www.elmrc.org.uk) The layout is older than i am but is still going strong and in demand for shows. The layout is in two seperate sections, the main one being a ex north british terminus station with village whilst the other section has a single line passing by a brewery. Over the past few months me and some others have been discussing creating a new 12' x 3' section with a station and passin loop and junction in order to create more operational interest and make the layout more interesting. As when the station end is busy and the next trains are all set up the fiddle yard operator does a lot of twiddling thumbs until the opposite end is ready to send a return working. As when at a show the layout is very busy indeed on a line which in reality (although glendevon never had a station) would maybe have seen a maximum of two or three trains a day - we run it like clapham juntion or at least thats what some say. So adding an alternative/extension section with the afore mentioned loop and junction would take some of the pressure off from the main terminus and also give the fiddle yard operator something to do when quiet. Anyway i have spent last sunday and thursday and then today constructing the frame work for the new section as i am keen to get on with it as it has to be ready for the glasgow show in 2017. Below are a couple of shots taken this afternoon my mr linehan as the club of yours truly puting in the last screws in one of the sections. When showing the shots to my wife she says it looks like a wing. The fuselage and engines are to follow! In the last shot glendevon station can be seen on the left behind me. More updates to follow. Gary
  22. Very nice, i have most of the ingrediants to make up a k4 as you have done but never have any time to get it done, hows the layout coming along. Gary
  23. When you think that the gorgie pilot 68335 lasted to '62 its a pity it wasn't considered for preservation as the loco was fitted for shunting gorgie east yards etc. Gary
  24. Tony An even cheaper and tastier way ive found to make uncouplers is, an ice lolly stick (magnum etc), an old fuse and a small nutt. First eat the ice lolly then after making sure all of the icecream is gone and the stick dry. I then take the fuse and glue it across the stick in the centre. The small nutt is then glued to one end so as to act as the weight to uncouple the coach/wagon. If i remember correctly the late dave shakespear used the same type. I find at shows (and im sure im not the only one here) that a lot of the punters dont like the hand from the sky but we all know that untill somebody invents a fully moving 4mm scale guard to uncouple the train. They are just going to have to put up with it. Im going to be at the waverley route or borders railway opening doo tomorrow running Newcstleton, on which i wil test the latest batch of uncouplers. Gary
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