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Everything posted by greenglade

  1. just reread what you asked for Jeff... not sure what you mean by 'front and rear valve rods'??
  2. Hi Jeff Yes you are correct re scaling... hope these help Hope that covers what you need?? Pete
  3. Hi Jeff You may find this of help, It's drawn for 5" gauge (that's 11.3 to 1)...you could easily scale from this, I think you'll find it's very accurate and faithfully follows the prototype...I can supply you with any other motion part in this gauge if off use?? Cheers Pete
  4. Mallard is my first Partworks which to be honest I planned to build in the stages as published as a bit of light modelling relief from my main build interest, thinking that it wouldn't take much time away from that. It was also a way of doing so in part payments which wouldn't affect other more important budgets, although I have no issue with buying expensive kits, I still have an untouched Finney A1 and corridor tender to make a start on one day. Alas, I found that I was having to spend more time on the build than originally planned, removing the lacquer from brass parts both being a pain and taking more time than originally envisioned. Therefore I stopped work on the model, carefully storing the mags away for when I could give my full attention to them to give the model the justice it deserved, continuing with the subscriptions to collect a full set.. Despite it's few shortcomings having a professional modellers background I can appreciate a well-detailed model when I see it. Will I buy partworks again? probably, especially if they do a series on Gresley teaks which I feel would be a winner for everyone, I have passed on this idea to the magazine and hope that they act on it one day...we shall see... Pete
  5. me too.....just in case the one that I have gets damaged before I use it....I've been worried about this possibility for some time... Pete
  6. re valve gear items, works drawings are available for every part and free if you visit NRM and take a digital camera with you, you do need to contact them first though, IIRC the drawing for the 2:1 lever is available from their free samples in the 'Doncaster works' files online, not sure if all dimensions can be seen but if so just scale them down Pete
  7. do the instructions give details about the return cranks correct position?.....there's only one
  8. Hi guys Regarding the parts needed if you have cut away the skirts, I think you may find what you need from Laurie Griffin...section 10 of his catalogue cheers Pete
  9. Funny as I originally thought the total was 120, not sure where 130 came from but it seems to have been accepted as fact....no details that I can see on the website...guess we shall have to wait and see..... Pete
  10. I received issues 108,109,110 and 111 a few days ago, issue 111 has the wheels,,,think it had both but don't have the issues handy to confirm right now... Pete
  11. Hi Lemburg just to let you know that the part that you are referring too is the 'Cartazzi axle', it's not a bogie or pony truck as such but an axle that swings in diagonally opposed horns...it's a very clever design. This image of a larger model might help explain, here the axle has been pushed as far to the far side as possible...if you look closely you'll see that it's at an angle when compared with the various stretches, there's a lot more to it than this, I'm happy to explain to anyone who's interested. regards Pete
  12. Hi guys Just to say that I'm still here, pop in regularly to keep tabs on people's progress. Alas I have stopped working on my Mallard for now as I have far to much work left to do on my big A1, I shall return to the build once the A1 is built but this will be many years yet. To add, I agree fully with John (ROSSPOP), the quality and accuracy of this model is very good, as I'm building my A1 (using some works drawings) which for most things is near identical to an A4 under the shell the attention to detail put into this O gauge model is superb, can't fault it. Regards Pete
  13. According to 'Tangle of tenders' on the Gresley society's web page the UoSA had tender No.5591 from 1948 till 1963 cheers Pete
  14. morning all..ok having reread some of RCTS part 2A it's safe to say that the handle was perhaps part of the Detroit hydrostatic lubrication system and that 4472 had this system up until April 1928, just a few weeks before the first photo in May 1928 was taken. The controls for the hydrostatic were on the fireman's side with 4 pipes running along the outside of the boiler with a gradient of 1in 72 to the smokebox which will be where you see the handle...I wouldn't call it a handle, more like a lever linked by a control rod back to the cab, at least that's what it looks like to me. Pete
  15. I would have to check notes but I have an idea of what this may be part off.....mind you if your building as per kit you don't need to worry about it. Now you'll note that there are no anti-carbonisers fitted, the handle taking their place. This will mean that in this picture she hasn't got the type 7 Wakefield lubricators fitted...no anti-carbonisers = no Wakefield's...as built 4472 had hydrostatic lubrication..in fact that's not entirely correct...her works sheet said Mechanical lubricators but she was wrongly fitted with hydrostatic...this was rectified within a week. IIRC the hydrostatics weren't fitted for long , my memory says she lost then before this picture but i could be wrong...I'd have to dig my notes out to check.. Pete
  16. These may help... 1928 1st May.......no front steps, corridor tender 1927..buffer beam no quadrants cut from lower corners, ladder type front steps, GNR tender GNR tender again but much later, notice she now has the newer front steps, these were put on the mid 30's. the GNR tender will place the date somewhere between 1936 to 1938 cheers Pete
  17. Hi bushrat Regarding the yellow line.....remember FS today is in that boring BR livery..it's not yellow, it's orange but yes if LNER livery it should be vermilion which is a red but not as strong as something like the buffer beam red. Regarding pictures...there is a very good picture of FS at KX 1928 just before she pulled the first non stop to Edinburgh which should help greatly..alas I'm not my computer so can't give a link...if i find a way I'll try later Cheers Pete
  18. Hi I took a few photo's of the piping in the area a few weeks back, the anti-carbonisers aren't fitted, probably off for servicing, hope these help, alas I couldn't get views from under any under the running boards although there are a few on google with the boiler removed which may help. bear in mind that the electrical type connectors etc wouldn't have been on the loco in LNER days... cheers Pete
  19. Hi Steve...no one has got to the tender body yet but I can say it's a non-corridor tender.. http://www.buildthemallard.com/ cheers Pete
  20. they certainly are at risk and often left of in the larger scales due to the problem you've stated...I'm a little pedantic (or is that just mad) with my builds and so everything that the prototype had must be on my models no matter how impractical..... as reference this is my er slightly larger model.... which shows the shape of the guard irons for the tender...the model has moved on a long way from this picture though...lining has been tidied up (not noticed until close ups like this were taken) and the buffer straightened although I still need to paint the buffer stocks black....lot's to do... regards Pete
  21. ah..just noticed the guard irons...not sure if it's covered in the instructions (not got that far myself yet) but those irons should be kinked in towards the rails, dog legged for want of a better word so that they are over the rails.. cheers Pete
  22. That is as the prototype so as long as they use the correct buffers with the internal captive spring all will be fine...all looking good... Pete
  23. I received issues 64-67 this morning...postman must have been on a manic mission as he managed to damage both tender chassis etches by folding the parcel in half to get it through the letter box...lol top marks to Hachette though, I e-mailed them asking for replacements and got a reply within minutes.....it impressed me.....up to 14 days for the replacements but that's ok as I'm not working on the model right now... Pete
  24. I today have also e-mailed Hatchette to cancel all future binders and their associated payments, fingers crossed they do as asked.. Pete
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