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Everything posted by queensquare

  1. I enjoyed this little project so, unusually for me, spent the evening finishing it off. Not sure how authentic it is but it does make for an attractive vehicle. Jerry
  2. Hi Ian, its the right way up on my phone and has defied all my attempts to turn it round on here. Just another example of my ineptitude with technology I'm afraid!! Jerry
  3. As usual, my representation of lamp tops is more a sketch than strictly accurate but I’ve used a small washer with a pin through the middle - either a Peco track pin or a lace pin - whichever embeds itself in the end of finger first when rummaging through the tin they live in! Jerry
  4. As others have said, another excellent Railex, particularly so considering the late change of hall. Many thanks to Tim, David and the rest of the Risborough team for all there efforts. Couple of snaps of our offering - Kim and Paula looking cool on the joint Bath sheds, 2mm Roadshow stand - no mean feat on a decidedly warm and sticky Saturday! …. and me performing my hypnosis trick using the powers of a slowly rotating turntable! Jerry
  5. I decided that I would make use of Monday club nights to make some wagon loads for my largely empty wagon fleet. What I really need are a load of removable coal loads for my many po wagons and cut timber loads which were common at Bath judging from photos. What I ended up building was a Sopwith pup with its wings removed as a load for a wagon I hadn’t actually built at the time - so much for focus! Im assuming the aircraft has been sold off by the war department and is being delivered by rail. The markings are for an Australian squadron in recognition of our antipodean 2mm members - all rather improbable but sometimes it’s worth remembering we do this for fun! The wagon is based on those converted for war use on old coach underframes and is more representative than strictly accurate. The aircraft needs the paint tidying up and strapping down to complete a totally un-typical but fun vehicle. Back on mission next week!☺️ Jerry
  6. Well done, looking forward to a similar milestone on Bath, though it’s some way off yet!😊 Jerry
  7. No comment!!😊 Great, if rather warm, day at the Aylesbury show. Saw and chatted with lots of people, hoping to get around for a better look at some of the other stuff here tomorrow. Kim and Paula were looking cool on the combined Bath shed and 2mm Roadshow. I did get over to see the beautiful 7mm model of Bridgewater with lots of lovely S&D blue - they also had a number 54! Jerry
  8. There is an excellent 2mm lineup at Railex Aylesbury this coming weekend, we will be there with Bath sheds - full details here Looking forward to getting back to one of the best shows around after a four year hiatus. Jerry
  9. If only I understood the concept of being properly organised Don .......! 🙂
  10. The truth is Ray I don’t- I’m forever running behind. Still, rather that than kicking my heals looking for something to do! Jerry
  11. A very enjoyable weekend at the Salisbury show. Small, friendly, excellent in house catering (apple crumble and custard at lunchtime!) and only half an hour down the road. Many thanks to friends Will and Mike for helping out and all the members of the SSWRS for looking after us so well. Tucking Mill seemed to be well received and the new locos all performed very well on their first proper outing though the Kirtley is really a Bath engine. The Adams Radial was a little nose heavy which caused it to slip a little on starting but there is plenty of room to add weight in the cab and bunker areas so balancing it won’t be a problem. Jerry
  12. A very enjoyable weekend at the Salisbury show. Small, friendly, excellent in house catering (apple crumble and custard at lunchtime!) and only half an hour down the road. Many thanks to friends Will and Mike for helping out. The new locos all performed very well on their first proper outing though the Kirtley is really a Bath engine. The Adams Radial was a little nose heavy which caused it to slip a little on starting but there is plenty of room to add weight in the cab and bunker areas so balancing it won’t be a problem. Jerry
  13. Its ok, I’m always telling Gerry the S&D is a far superior subject for modelling …… It’s servos with all the complicated electronic gubbins removed, my kind of technology! Jerry
  14. Here are the contents - it’s progress on Maiden Newton, not Midsomer Norton! Jerry
  15. I think I used the Precision colour on my NSLR coaches - apologies they are in the background but this shot of Nancy is the only one showing them I have on my phone! Jerry
  16. Oh Sam, what a beauty….. Jerry
  17. Both Samantha and Sven were looking elusive …… Jerry
  18. A night out in Bath tonight…. Jerry
  19. ….. this months visitors were a J10, J11 and C13 from the bench of Andy Grand and something a little bigger from Laurie Griffin! Jerry
  20. Ella’s third birthday today. After an excellent weekend away on the West Somerset she is seen here having a well deserved Kip with the rest of the household! We had a little 2mm gathering on Monday, I’ll post some pictures once the brothers Grand remind me what the locos are - more very nice GC types! Jerry
  21. Thanks Ade, the levers are made up from the S4 Society etches. I really like them, very tactile Jerry
  22. It’s been raining all morning so I occupied myself in the workshop making the main panel for Bath whilst listening to the king dive into his dressing up box on the radio. Some lovely ply off cuts courtesy of Will (tapdieuk) and a couple of hours work resulted in the basic carcass. The track plan is a first draft and is only bluetacked in place. Signalling experts, please don’t look too closely. The levers represent all three Bath boxes combined and has been greatly simplified. There is no attempt at interlocking, I simply want to be able to display the correct signals, particularly when taking pictures. This panel will only control points/signals necessary for arrivals and departures, there will be smaller, local panels for the two goods yards, the sheds and the station environs. Jerry
  23. Laid out on my workbench is the contents of a little parcel that arrived from down under as part of a bartering arrangement - many thanks to Kevin and Bruce. It contains more horse boxes, (a favourite of mine), some NPCS four wheel underframes - perfect for recent purchases from 2mmAndy and an etch for Toby which will be another unlikely addition to the Tucking Mill roster. There’s also an LNW loco coal wagon and a strange looking MR wagon that looks like a set of bellows! I do love a fresh etch but I’m resisting at the moment as I’m so busy both in the workshop and garden - we’ll see how long I can resist! Jerry
  24. I did much the same with the trackwork on the colliery Jim. Sometimes not knowing what you’re doing is a real advantage - there’s much less to worry about! Jerry
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