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Posts posted by RJS1977

  1. Incidentally, my oldest copy of RM (August 1954) has 23 editorial pages, which is 9 fewer pages than the 'On the Rails' booklet in the current issue!


    How many pages were there in the original issue, I wonder? Was it less than the 16 pages of the "800 issues" supplement?

  2. What happened between issue 4 & 13? Was CJF editor, then moved to Beer with the mag?


    Yes, CJF edited the magazine in his spare time (IIRC) then when PECO took over Sidney Pritchard invited him to an informal interview at Waterloo Station. Owing to problems with the Underground, CJF was late and arrived just as Mr P's train back to Devon was pulling out. Mr. P yelled out of the moving window "Do you want to move to Devon and edit the magazine full time?" and CJF running alongside  just had time to shout "Yes" before they got to the end of the platform!


    As a boy, reading CJF's track plans books I always used to think what a good job it must be to be paid to sit and draw track plans! Only in later years, of course, did I realise there was more to it than that but still, not a bad job to have!

  3. But RM must have the record for fewest editors for model railway magazines per length of publication. Four since 1949 (I think someone else besides CJF, edited the first handful of issues, if not then 3).



    Yes, G H Lake edited the first four issues then apparently left because Ian Allan wanted to switch from bi-monthly to monthly production. In the event, that didn't happen until issue 13, when PECO took over.

  4. Is the filename a clue?


    I'm intrigued by the waiting time of +/- 20 minutes.


    I've had days when a minus 20 minute wait would have come in very useful.


    Very useful when doing a Tube Challenge too!

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  5. Having seen all the news stories today claiming that the Labour election manifesto would "drag the UK back to the 1970's", they seem to have missed out one critical thing.


    Bringing back Tom Baker as Doctor Who.


    And Roger Moore as 007! :-)

  6. Here's an unusual one, a fireless loco from a pug.

    By ahardy:







    I built a model of HP1 from a Dapol pug some years ago (when I was trying to preserve the real HP1).


    Unfortunately something went wrong in my attempt to reverse the cylinders, meaning the connecting rods keep falling off!

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    I like CJF's plans as they give food for thought and elements of his larger layouts could be incorporated into smaller schemes.  I have recently returned to N gauge modelling and suddenly all those really large CJF layouts for the "desirable maximum" of 20' x 10' are achieveable in the smaller gauge.



    Indeed, there is an N gauge version of 'The desirable maximum' in Conway Valley Railway Museum, alas in need of a good dose of TLC.

  8. A neighbour of ours, years ago, had a very large, old garden shed, which needed a good clearing out, so he asked a few of us to give him a hand.


    Right near the back, we found a dusty old oil painting, quite large. Underneath it was a violin case, in quite good nick, but obviously ancient. We threw them in the skip he had hired, but he took them out again, saying they might be worth something. 


    He took them into an antiquarians in York for an opinion. The expert took a very long look at the painting, feeling the texture and trying to work out the signature under years of grime. He then looked at the back to check for goodness knows what. Satisfied with that, he opened the violin case and examined that too, very thoroughly.



    "What you have here sir, are, I strongly believe, a Turner and a Stradivarius. I would have to get a second opinion to verify that, of course".



    Our neighbour nearly collapsed with the excitement and only just heard the expert carry on to say :



    "Unfortunately, ....Turner's violins weren't very good ....... and Stradivarius was a pretty bad artist.......".






    Hope that hasn't made it on here before. Original from Cooper T. One of his very best!


    Rembrant originally:



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